The Wheelock House 1828

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Annual Reports

For Annual Reports (starting with 2007) see the archive and the Town Documents section.


Bi-weekly Reports

Fire Department

Fire Department Report 2013 - Ernest Horn

by Bill Lyman

Firefighters do not stop until they absolutely have to, even when faced with overwhelming tasks. Sometimes a mission needs to be halted, temporarily, re-assessed, then restarted when conditions improve. Sometimes they pull us out of buildings.

It's not easy to wait on the sidelines when something should be getting accomplished - not in battling fires, not in building fire stations. Not when you want it done and are willing to do it, and have the fire inside that says anyone that doesn't want to help can get the hell out of the way. But sometimes, you gotta listen and reposition, especially when it ain't your call.

So, with me shooting my mouth off, and the Fire Chief promising - we do not yet have our Public Safety Building. I can get away with it, he outranks me and it always ends up being the Chief's fault. It's why he gets the big bucks and wears the white helmet. We are a bit angry that we missed the window of opportunity for this year, but proud of what was accomplished toward building. The engineer stamped the plans, a building permit has been approved allowing everything to be done, wires to the police station were moved underground, and we put up those nifty signs saying that a public safety building would be coming soon. Soon, well, depends on your definition of soon. Would you settle for soon after the snow melts from around those nifty signs this winter.

Thank You All. WARWICK Won't Give Up. Tenacity. A Just Cause. Faith and Determination.

Don Matthews Excavating, You Sir, are up next. Nothing will stop us when Don starts digging in the Spring. Nothing.

It's awesome to believe, and deny defeat. That's how fools become wise men. And that's how Warwick's getting its own Public Safety Building. In 2015, definitely.

I would like to say thank you to the men and women that support this fire station and also a special thanks to my officers for doing all they do to help me get things done. I have started a new job out of town and really have to rely on them to do more lately.

Please keep in mind we all volunteer to keep this department working. Winter is here so please make sure your heating source is in good working order and your smoke/carbon detectors are working. Drive carefully in the bad weather and stay safe. As always, donations are appreciated. If you would like to give a donation please make checks payable to: Warwick Fire Association If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me. Stay Safe!

Fire Chief Ron Gates 978-544-8052

Highway Department

by Tim Kilhart

We have replaced a culvert on Bliss Hill Rd. We have started doing shoulder work along Northfield Rd. and cleaning the excess sand from under the guardrails. This should be very helpful in allowing the water to run off the roadway. We have started our fall road grading to get everything ready for winter.

The white and yellow traffic lines have been painted on Athol Rd. and Northfield Rd. We have done some additional patching of various roads in town.

I would like to remind everyone that now is the time to look at your mailboxes and make sure they are in good shape. The time for repair or replacement is now before the ground becomes frozen. It is also the time to remember as the leaves fall that will clog up your culvert that goes across your driveway if you have one. Please make sure that they are cleaned as you rake your yards.

Please be careful and drive safely and have a nice day.

The Selectboard on Monday Dec. 13, 2010 voted a wood policy that allows highway department personnel to leave wood they cut on the roadsides. The Selectboard voted to prohibit any highway employees, Selectboard members, Town Coordinator or their relatives from picking up any of the wood the highway department cuts. The highway department's past practice has been to allow abutters to have the wood if they desire. This past practice will continue. The highway department has always encouraged the residents to take the wood which helps clear the roadsides. The highway department will post on the Warwick-L and on the highway department office door the location of where we are cutting only if we are actually cutting that day. Residents can also call the highway department at 978-544-6349 any morning between 6:00 and 6:20 A.M. to find if and where we are cutting wood that day.

I went to a National Grid storm preparedness meeting and they suggest that when anyone loses power they should call 1-800-322-3223 or 1-800-465-1212 to report it. They isolate the problem by referencing the calls they receive to narrow down the location of the problem in order to fix it promptly. If you take the time to call in an outage then hopefully it will be fixed in a timely manner.

Highway Department Snow and Ice Budget FY '13 - 14

Highway Department Work Lists as of November 1, 2013

Paving Maps

Weekly Logs

Police Department

Monthly Logs

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