Coordinator Report July 1, 2015 Warwick joined others and wrote FEMA asking for locally held pipeline scoping sessions. There is one planned in Greenfield MA on July XX and one for Winchester NH at a date to be announced. Northfield is grateful for our support. Chief Shoemaker will be in to give a Warwick Police end of year report. Nick has requested an agenda item on WiredWest fiber to the home potential project. He had penned an email in the context of the AXIA and Crocker meeting which wasn't germane to that meeting. At his request that message is included in the meeting package and as well my response. As well, in a message today he asks that a letter to WW and MBI from Warwick Selectboard seeking an agreement wherein they guarantee our borrowing be sent. Secondly he proposes we request the business plan for the regional fiber build and operation. Thirdly he asks that Warwick require a letter by July 30 that documents MBI and WiredWest's ability to guarantee Warwick's bonding; and finally proposes we require MBI and WiredWest "disclose all statements made to the high-density communities within the Wired West area concerning their responsibility to assure payback to Warwick and/or similarly-situated rural communities." I suggest in the alternative that we let the Broadband Committee continue its work. I note that nobody ever said September for a vote by ATM. The actual motion to delay action by the Town said the fall. The first day of fall is in the third week of September and that season ends sometime in December. Regional Kennel Agreement needs to be executed. This backs up our local animal control and does so at a reasonable cost. This is our second or third year and they have come in under budget. The transfer station will be open Wednesday evenings from 4 to 8 pm to accept bagged trash and recycling only. We got our scrap metal revenue at the end of June which totals $564. Prices for this are depressed and were at $110 / ton. There will be two sessions of the same meeting in Greenfield about the Regional Transportation plan on July 15 at the FRCOG at 11:30 am and again at 5:30 pm. I have learned that municipalities are exempt from the paid sick leave requirements unless they elect to be covered. We have sick leave in our personnel policy. MURIS Co. was low bidder for the six inch foam insulation for the highway equipment garage. About 2,600 square feet delivered with spray foam for the edges and fasteners came in a bit under $8k. The department will do the work. The new John Deere loader was delivered and is in service. I did a revenue source estimate for the department and a copy is in the board package. Finance committee will meet next week to handle end of fiscal year reserve fund requests which include $200 for town clerk; $330 for accountant; about $2,200 for fire department; and $560 for insurance costs. If you have not noticed, the Fire Association is building. They didn't check out the date for their public kick off and thankfully Nick was able to attend while Dawn and I attended a FC Selectman's Association quarterly meeting on the subject of declining school populations. If you haven't read the Mohawk District report I recommend it. The Frontier District is beginning a study with UMASS. And I learned that FRCOG has a number of revelant studies on their website. I came away with two related planning concepts I never really contrasted: adaptation and mitigation. Our outgoing Superintendent and the school committee chairman attended the meeting. The FC Tech School borrowing passed in the district wide vote. Old Home Days are August 22 and 23. I'll be doing the satellite dish toss once again and a bigger fireman's muster is planned.