Coordinator report October 5, 2016 Approve Minutes of Sept 26 and Oct 5 meetings. Denyse Dar will be before the board to request one day beer / wine licenses for planned Recreation Committee Events and to report on Rec Committee activities and answer any questions. The committee has moved events primarily to the elementary school. I have heard some concern about their taking credit card payments and as a result provided them with a bound book to record all income and expense. At my request Larry attended a seminar on the new Small Bridge Grant Program. I also asked him to prioritize potential bridge projects. He reports that the Gale Road Bridge needs attention ahead of the idea that has been floated of restoring the crossing on White / Bass Rds. We have been demonstrating new backhoes. Our old one will get us a good trade. I recommend we use available Chapter 90 funding to purchase one at state bid prices and trade the old one in while it has value. We have tried CASE and Deere, are trying a CAT machine now. Now the news we have been waiting on, paving Northfield Rd begins Wed the 12th of October with cold in place recycling of pavement. Ten days hence an overlay of pavement will be applied. Board has been working on updating the Personnel Policy. We should schedule a Public Hearing on revisions; afterwards, a vote of the Selectboard will be what is required to adopt the policies. MBI has revised the last mile program to benefit of rural communities. New plan is not so one size fits all, which is to our benefit. Late in October Mass Tech Board will consider Warwick's last mile grant request which is for the full construction allocation of $450k. Town Accountant has revenues and expenses posted through the quarter. As of 9/30 we have spent $65k on the broadband capital build out. In the first three months of the fiscal year broadband operating revenues collected is $26,410 and operating expenses totaled $23,127. The operating budget town meeting voted is $104k. We are on track. I met with the Transfer Station Commission. YTD income is $6875 and expenses are $7025. We have $1900 of grant funding to utilize and no prior year surplus. The Commission wants to buy a 10,000 pound platform scale and decided to wait until spring to decide if the budget can handle it.