Coordinator Report July 22, 2010 Each year Town Meeting votes to establish revolving accounts and as well sets limits on the maximum dollar amount for the account. Due to more activity, and to be able to pay the inspectors for work already done, we need to increase the limit from the current $2000 level. Town Accountant informs me that between Town Meetings the Selectboard has the authority to do so. We need to increase the limit to $4000. This won't cost the town anything as we pay out only what we take in. Accompanied by Town Counsel and the Building Inspector I attended, on our behalf, a hearing in Housing Court on the Severance case. During the mediation session we were able to set an inspection date for their plumbing inspection later this month. I learned that they are having difficulty getting National Grid to set the one pole needed to provide service. The Chapter 90 project is an unplanned expense of repair of the deteriorated box culvert, damaged guard rail, and replacement of some damaged structure supporting guardrail at the box culvert at the outlet of Moore's Pond. We have an estimate of $55,000 but don't know if the estimate includes prevailing wage. Replacement of the structure would cost $750,000. Tim is filing Notice of Intent with Cons Com and NHESP notification (Natural Heritage) in order to get regulatory approval to make these repairs. I will work with Tim to scope the project, develop bid documents and to advertise the project for bids in the Central Register. I hired Brian Peters to do electrical repair of a circuit at the school that failed this week during WCS sprinkler job. We need to declare our Police Chief and officers special municipal employees and vote to grant Peters an exemption under MGL C268A section 20D so he can legally and ethically act as an electrical contractor to the town. Regarding the pole hearing for Northfield Rd. our highway department requests that the pole placement be set back two additional feet from the proposed location. Tim notes that there are in excess of a dozen poles that need to be removed from locations around town and we need to get utilities to commit to completing previously approved pole work and pole replacement work that did not require our approval. Highway department is working on Flower Hill and Leland Hill doing ledge removal and site preparation. These roads plus White Rd. will be paved in early August provided the weather cooperates. Bill Lyman is doing a great job on re-pointing the rear town hall chimney. I am doing price comparison for 50 year and life-time roofing for the Town Hall with Energy Star ratings. I will be procuring the labor for the re-roofing of the Town Hall in the next few weeks. I hired Brian Miner to restore the plastic vapor barrier and pea stone on the perimeter of the Town Hall. Appropriate plastic membrane is ordered from Hamshaw and the Highway Department is contributing the needed pea stone. The Highway Department has agreed to provide the labor for the installation of the concrete pad for the paper compactor at the landfill. Reva Reck installed a copy of the database program she developed and which I use for Broadband record keeping at the Board of Health so they can use it for the Transfer Station Enterprise Fund. The WCS roof failure claim is moving forward. Bill Lyman documented the installation photographically and with samples or the material. I have contacted the sub-contractor and general contractor. We will have a site visit at the WCS with the general contractor and sub contractor and a manufacturer's representative to develop documents to file a claim against IKO shingle manufacturer. I have engaged the architect to recalculate the quantity of shingles if necessary. Ten or more years have passed and nobody has the original invoice or delivery slip which is required to make a claim. The warranty and owners documents are not considered sufficient by the manufacturer. Warwick will be represented at the parade in N. Orange celebrating Orange's bicentennial. Warwick contributed 4090 acres of what was Warwick to Orange. North Orange is the original settlement. The Selectboard will ride in Don Hubbard's wagon drawn by his team driven by Kenny and Brian Hubbard. Our firefighters will ride and march in the parade. The event starts at 11 am. Line-up is between 10 and 10:30 am at Rum's garage. Events include hay rides and a pie eating contest. We added a couple of new subscribers the broadband system and we are testing a new radio transmission link to supply the cell tower with more robust Internet backhaul. When we are done all our base stations will have more bandwidth and we will have a more balanced system. I provided data to The Recorder in updating their Almanac listing for Warwick. We took delivery of our new highway truck, a Ford F-500 diesel. The police chief's report is included in your meeting package. We had our FY10 worker's compensation audit this week. I was joined in housing court on the Severance case by Attorney Russ Dupere and building inspector Delorey. We established a plumbing inspection date and intend to have some meetings in Warwick in the next few months as we wrap this project / case. We gave them six more months. They may not inhabit the premises in the meantime. Our recent zoning changes were approved by the AG.