Coordinator report July 12, 2017 I am taking the week of Jul 31 thru Aug 4 off for vacation and will miss the regularly scheduled meeting on the 31st. Rosa has developed a list of positions that ought to be declared "special municipal" and individuals to make grants of exemption. This allows folk to serve in more than one capacity and is an exemption available only to small towns. Based on the most recent email on the subject Doc is meeting with Sue and she is working on the scope of service for our Community Compact Grant application. I don't know the timeline for completing and submitting. As of noon today we have three of twelve poles installed. One site so far is going to need ledge broken. I've requested the loan of a tool that will fit our JD backhoe of Westfield G&E. Another way will be to get a blasting contractor in for the difficult sites. We will come back to the difficult sites after we have attempted at every site. WBS has gotten great help from both Highway Department and Warwick PD. Tasks include moving the poles to the set sites, standing by with backhoe and digging when needed, and hauling suitable fill material to the sites where the drill needed boulders dug out. Next Wednesday we are scheduled to climb a tower and complete the 900 and 5 GHz radio rings on Orange Rd. There are two makers of LTE equipment that operates in our licensed band and I am arranging to test both. In one case there is a $3k cost and the other manufacturer loans the equipment. I want to test their interoperability because one maker has a far superior tower solution but the other has a better array of end user devices with numerous antenna gain options. The legislature has sent the FY18 State budget to the governor's office and we will have a more complete revenue picture in a couple of weeks. The fin com is meeting Monday prior to the Selectboard meeting to consider two reserve fund transfers. We received word that "our" West Brookfield solar project is "interconnected" which I think means the revenue meter is installed just in time to begin to accrue income that will be in excess of our projection and result in greater free cash in the future. Town got the new "mini pumper" firetruck from Somers CT. It was on hand for an event last weekend honoring Deputy Chief Weld for his years of service to the Town. The budget will be the purchase price of $35k plus about $2,500 for new tires. TM voted $75k and that is what we will have to tax unless the board calls a Special Town Meeting to reduce the appropriation. I got word that the rebate check for the heat pump work will be delivered on Monday along with paper copies of the user manuals. We are using the rebates, per the Green Communities Grant terms, to help meet the cost of these upgrades. Town received the $100k designated for town forest land acquisition this week. I've extended our thanks to Senator Rosenberg's office for their efforts.