Coordinator report - August 29, 2012 Our legal counsel has made some revisions to the Seaboard Solar proposed contract. These are specifically to clarify that we as net metering customer have no obligation to pay for credits should the developer fail to sell them to another municipality. Nick has been in conversation with a local developer who was involved in the development of the Wendell contract and that individual is expected to attend. I note that the Inspector General's office has determined that an energy contract such as this is not subject to procurement / bidding. It is subject to reporting requirements. Seaboard has been keeping me up to date as they gain site control on proposed development sights. There are performance criteria that let us out of the contract if they don't meet milestones. I'd like to get this signed at this meeting so our project can be third in line in their four town development. DCR has had the final contracts in hand for more than two weeks. I phoned on Wednesday and reiterated our need for action. I recommend the board vote to approve signing the four contracts and we forward them with your signatures. I will prepare certificates of vote authorization to accompany. I expect no major terms to change. The new Ford one ton dump truck is now in service. Board needs to declare the old truck, a 2001 GMC surplus so we can sell it at auction. The previously declared surplus signs are on eBay with a bid price for the lot of $330. I will be auctioning the pile of wood at the "dump" as firewood soon too. I am looking for a surplus declaration of the old dry valve and trim. I would like the Town to give it to the Tech school. PVRS says they want it and can get a $700 credit from the manufacturer. You can decide. The WCS sprinkler system has been repaired by our contractor, SSFireService, and the system is in service at a cost to us of $13,300 for what was largely pump room work. The deputy fire marshal has ordered additional work to add a low water sensor in the tank, repair a functionality of the pump controller to provide redundant starting capacity on the fire pump motor, add five addressable monitor modules. All the recently completed and additional work carries a one year warranty. The $13k quote for this additional work will zero out our WCS improvement account balance. We are, according to the local fire marshal, under a 60 day repair order. Dawn and I met with him on Thursday for some clarifications. The board has been requested to pass resolutions in support of the Western Mass Food Bank and one in support of the Hampshire Power Coop proposal which was previously voted at a Town Meeting. Copies are attached. I contacted Ellen Cummings at Verizon regarding seven poles the company needs to remove from Town. She referred it within the company. I have not received follow-up.