Coordinator report December 30, 2014 This letter to FERC is a unfinished project. When the town boards meet again and achieve a consensus, the Selectboard has authorized the chair to sign the testimony. I have a phone meeting on Friday Jan. 2 with a MA AG attorney, our counsel, and my counterpart in Petersham and will have more to report on this proposed solar contract settlement at the meeting. I am on record in the past calculating our damages from Soltas selling our 8.5 cent Kwh power to City of Lowell in an amount of $3k / year. On that basis their $10,300 settlement offer seems fair. Our counsel agrees. Chair of the B&E committee does as well. Counsel does point out that if we were to prevail in court, the fact that Soltas as a for profit entity means they could be found liable under MGL 93A for both damages and penalty. At this point I do propose that we counter to recover our legal cost of having the contract and the settlement reviewed. I have had discussion with our counsel regarding strong police and fire chief law and its meaning. He recommends that we institute employment contracts with both chiefs because lacking contracts we are required to give one year notice should the board decide not to reappoint. Our counsel does not agree that these appointments are for life. And he says that we can make as part of the contracts the terms for performance evaluation, training, record keeping, discipline, and removal. He says that the chiefs are not outside the purview of the Selectboard and that if the contracts are not signed by the chiefs that the board should give them notice immediately, as it takes a year. He has provided a sample contract which we will want to modify with respect to items such as vehicle and health insurance. Annual town meeting is four months and a very few days away. Submissions for town report have been received of fewer than half the expected respondents. As soon as I complete the Selectboard's report I'll start dunning those who have not responded. I'll schedule a joint meeting with Finance Committee in January. I am working on updating our portion of the FRCOG wage and salary survey. I have not spoken with member Arguimbau in several weeks but understand he wishes to discuss the financial implications of the WiredWest resolution already voted. I don't see how it may be concluded that the town is on the hook for any expense as a result of this affirmative vote by the board and you can discuss it under the item included in Selectboard reports. We have in my opinion telegraphed to MBI that we want them to spend state bond money to advance the proposal for fiber to the home. Highway superintendent Larry hasn't provided the Chapter 90 project proposal in time for my notice deadline. I got quite a few particulars wrong in my summary at the prior meeting. We have much more grant money, well over $300k not $150k in 90 grant funds. The new JD loader will cost more than I remembered and the trade in is quite generous. Perhaps I will have more information by meeting time. The board can take it under advisement or act on a project request. I'll be meeting with B&E committee regarding next steps and our respective roles in the Green Communities implementation at 2 pm and prior to the Monday meeting. I met with National Grid and FC Tech School electrical class last week and anticipate that we will use DOER approved vendors for air sealing and can use the tech school to install new electric air source heat pumps at some cost savings. A first target on our approved and submitted plan is the PD which is heated with baseboard electric and costing a fortune. Our legal motions on the WagonWheel appeal were heard by a Superior Court judge on December 10. The judge ruled against the claim for attorney's fees (and in our favor) and opposing counsel stipulated that there wasn't anything to bring before the court except the zoning appeal so the other count making claims against our zoning bylaw will be dismissed. The result is we prevailed on these early motions but await the decisions in writing. The next step is discovery. I am working with counsel on the list of documents we want the plaintiff to produce.