Coordinator Report - September 2, 2010 Rick Abbott is willing to be appointed the Selectboard representative to the Franklin Regional Planning board. Mass Broadband Institute is seeking a local point of contact for Warwick. The deadline was last week. The Broadband Committee recommends you appoint me. I submitted the paperwork on time listing me in my capacity as coordinator as the contact. If the board wishes to ratify or make a change it may do so. I was contacted by WiredWest who have added me to their contacts so I can forward their information to board members. We are pretty well covered here as Reva and Patricia are our official representatives. There are regional MBI meetings coming up. These were listed in previous meeting packages. I am scheduled to participate in a conference call on the 8th and attend a public meeting on the 15th. Reva is on the agenda to discuss the WiredWest project. The most likely form of organization is each town creating a municipal light company who would then join together. This wouldn't require legislative approval. We should grant Brian Miner an exemption because he is a firefighter and is cutting the lawn and doing other landscape work. Firefighter is already designated a special municipal employee so he needs to be exempted. A copy of the draft Flood Plain District By-Law is attached. This is close to a final draft which will be considered by the Planning Board at their Sept. 9 meeting. According to Ted Cady, "The time line is as follows: FRCOG will submit it to the attorney general municipal law unit for pre-approval (especially since it will be used as a model for other towns). It will also be presented to the Selectboard and Highway Superintendent as a final draft for any comments they might have. It should then go to town counsel. Depending on timeframes, all of these things could be happening at the same time or at more or less the same time. Before the Town Meeting the Planning Board must hold a public hearing which is legally advertised, and the process is carefully scrutinized by the AG after town meeting to make sure it is properly done. We will be eligible for Hazard Mitigation Grants when town meeting passes the bylaw. However, the Zoning Bylaw as passed must be approved by the AG office (which has 90 days) and then we must post a bulletin announcing the law and right to appeal the process (for 90 days) and then it becomes final." The references for RCI-Roofing were impeccable and we have executed a contract. We are buying Certainteed Landmark TL shingles, a "lifetime" triple laminated product. The contractor is applying for the building permit now and will give me their schedule shortly. I expect the job to be completed by mid October. It will cost about half of the $45,000 estimated. I am looking into restoring the old metal roof cap or replacing it with a similar product. The Buildings and Energy committee have recommended we begin the restoration of window sash and complete the replacement or town hall storm windows as next steps. We are having the curtain drains at the building perimeter restored. Robert Ernest worked additional hours to complete the edging and weeding on the common in time for Old Home Days. The Franklin Co. Tech School will be doing the wiring of the air conditioner electrical circuit in the town hall this fall. BEC forwarded me their first draft of a scope of services for school energy and system consulting. I am employing a teen to gather and inventory documents we have on the school to make best use of the consultant's time. The first floor classroom portion of the sprinkler system is completed and "live". Workers are in the attic installing the dry system. I expect it to be done in two weeks. I missed including one dry system pipe run to the generator room which will be a minor add-on expense. The first payment is being made this warrant cycle. Bill Lyman has been invaluable in the needed wall and ceiling restoration work. School opened on the 1st with work and clean-up occurring just in time. Both the MSBA and USDA are long term funders with grants and loans for sprinkler, roof, and boiler replacement. I am pursuing both. No news on the roof claim. No news is good news. The repaired solar lights from the flagpole and monument were installed by Steve Kurkoski as a volunteer. The system is working again. And the new town hall system is slated for installation at the beginning of October. We may get one of the first AC solar electric installations on a public building in the state. This means no inverter needed. The town and Vincent Perkins signed a mutual hold harmless agreement covering his lay-off. This means the Selectboard won't have to publish their findings pursuant to the grievance filing. I'll complete the executive session minutes once the agreement takes effect on Sept. 10. Board of Health voted to implement 15 gallon bags priced at $1.50 each as many folks can't fill a larger bag without aging their contribution at home longer than they'd like. This will be available in about three weeks. The stickers for your own bag are being phased out. Tim and the highway crew will be working on the concrete pad for the new paper compactor mid month. Flower and Leland Hill, and White Rd got paved with chapter 90 funds this week. Our road grader went in for service on the brakes and a new brake master cylinder must be manufactured. This will take six weeks. We need to begin the fall grading well before the time when our machine will be available. We considered hiring a grader and operator from another town. Cost is $800 a day. The job takes three weeks or more to grade the whole town. Four of five equipment dealers contacted wouldn't or didn't have a grader to rent. Tim found a John Deere machine for $1000 a week with transport at $200 each way. This is the probable solution. We investigated used parts, however our machine was only made for five years. It is a Dresser and was new in 1990. In about two weeks I expect we will begin our hiring process for the highway department's fourth man. I have scheduled a Selectboard meeting with Police Chief Peters for Sept 8 at 1 pm in the Town hall. Correspondence with the town's insurer has resulting in the news that the town has in force alcohol liability insurance provided the event is to benefit the town.