Coordinator report August 9, 2010 Our minutes of June 28, 2010 reflect that the Historical Society approved spending their cash on hand for labor to effect climate control at the cottage. Mr. Carey contacted us to say this didn't happen and would like us to clarify the matter by changing the minutes. A recently disciplined town employee has requested a grievance hearing before the Selectboard to appeal action of management. Town counsel is available on Tuesday August 10 at 10 am. He and I recommend the board vote to grant the hearing. I have posted it as a public meeting. At the request of the employee it may be held in executive session. Our recent workers compensation audit of FY2010 was completed. It resulted in a return premium of $481. That is insurance speak for a refund. It lowers the basis for the next year's premium as well. The repair of the box culvert project with Chapter 90 money needs to go to the state for project approval at this time so we can make repairs during this construction season. If the board doesn't like the bids or wants to back out later that could be done. However to move this forward we need to ok the project request to submit. Nick got a first-hand look at the condition last week and can personally report on the matter. I'll have the paperwork at the meeting for the board to sign. Each year we close the Athol Rd in front of the Town Hall for Old Home Days. This requires a vote of the board. I met with Carol Foote regarding the town hall cooling station concept. We decided in favor of adding a window air conditioner to the dining hall. The counsel on Aging will pay for the unit. I will procure it for them. Estimated cost of an approximately 25,000 Btu unit is $500 to $600. The dining hall area is about 1400 square feet. The unit will be paid for by the COA. It will require a 220 volt circuit be added which the town hall account will pay for. We are going to move the collection of file cabinets to the basement and concentrate the cooling center in that corner. The matter of portable air conditioners is being referred to the next COA meeting. The building and energy committee "recommend that it is not an appropriate central government function to supply a cooling station for the Town of Warwick residents". The vote to recommend against establishing a cooling station by the Building and Energy Committee was 4 in favor, 1 no, 1 abstention. I am contacting the Tech School to provide the electrical drop. I am proposing another town employee exemption so that we can contract with a member of the Building and Energy to build the new ADA compliant notice board. DCR is conducting a survey of each Town's opinion regarding state forest practices. You can designate someone to fill it out. I have an admitted bias toward management. We could anoint a flaming tree hugger. We could ignore it. Or we could do it by committee at a meeting. It is an on-line survey. Patricia has made a request to put Green Communities on the agenda. I understand the agenda item to be about setting a meeting date for an informational session. Setting a meeting date is one of the only things we can do by serial email. On this subject, recall that one of the reasons this didn't get Selectboard approval previously is that the vote to join required that the Selectboard guarantee a future action and outcome of Town Meeting. Another was the requirement that we allow a type of green energy development to occur "by right". Another problem is the significant added cost to new construction to get plans approved. Tim and I met with Complete Disposal on site at the TX station this morning. We figured out how to enlarge the existing pad where the recycles now sit to accommodate the new compactor. The chute will be located very near the trash chute and existing electrical power. Tim's cost estimate is $750 and sounds great to me. We'll make it happen in mid September once the dump is closed on Wednesdays. The existing pad is about 30' x 30'. We'll add 2' to the width of the pad and 6' to the length. I appreciate the Highway Department's willingness to act as our construction contractor on this job. It is saving a lot of money. In the mean time I'll work on getting the electrical lined up. We also looked at a future project of cuffing off the island that blocks sight lines to the bulky waste. That is for another day and will start with a call to "dig safe". On the IKO roof claim we are waiting for a meeting date with the contractor and manufacturer. The roof encompasses 270 squares of material. The best we can hope for is replacement of materials. The piping of the cafeteria half of the WCS sprinkler renovation is done and tested. This means we can begin to replace ceiling tiles and repair sheetrock. The pointing, flashing, capping and sealing of the rear chimney is complete. It is a nice looking job and is now ready for the new roof. Bids are due on the Town Hall roof on August 23. We are bidding labor only. We will provide materials. We are going with CertainTeed Landmark Premium in a very light grey color. Product comes four bundles to the square and about 40 squares is my estimate. Because of the problems with IKO I am not seriously considering that make. The new roof will start on the south face so the solar photovoltaic system contracted can begin. We have applied for some additional funding from MA to augment the project. The custodian at the school while in our employ is doing a considerable amount of exterior painting. He can assist us with interior reconstruction as well. This relationship is working nicely for everyone.