Coordinator report March 14, 2013 Rosa has done some work on ethics exemptions allowed small towns like Warwick so folks can hold more than one "job". I recommend the board vote to make the list of positions she generated "Special Municipal Employees". Then you should vote the Section 20D exemptions to those she has identified. Early each spring the Commonwealth asks us to nominate an Inspector of Animals. I recommend the board again nominate Rosa for appointment by the state. Clare Green is proposing to conduct a traditional May Pole event on the last Sunday in April. She seeks Selectboard approval of $300 to pay a band. To date these decisions have been by the 250th committee and not the Selectboard. FRCOG has updated the regional emergency radio inter-town agreement. A copy is attached. Our emergency management director, Jim Erviti, has reviewed it and recommends that the board sign it. It is a three-year agreement with renewal clauses. Highway Superintendent Kilhart has proposed what is the final stage of a road project on Hastings Heights Road and a bit of Athol Rd where it intersects Hastings Heights. This project will just about use up all our Chapter 90 money awarded to date. The drainage work on the hill by Bower's Farm has already been accomplished this past summer. We expect the FY14 award to be announced in May. FYI, a good portion of that funding will be for replacement of our older heavy IHC truck. That truck has begun to cost us too much to repair having had a clutch, rear end, and brakes replaced totaling > $10k in the past year. Town funds will have to pay for the new truck plow, hydraulics, and frame, etc. I have posted a Building and Energy Committee meeting concurrent with the Selectboard's. The committee may not achieve a quorum and the posting is just in case. Chairman Janice Kurkoski will share the competed "framing statement" regarding proposed energy betterments at the school, discuss the FD Association's building project and energy use by town buildings and future treatments of Town buildings to make them more efficient. Chief Shoemaker has suggested revision of two by-laws and adoption of a third. One change will bring us in line with current practices in appointing police officers. Another would make alcohol open container prohibitions more enforceable by making violations "arrest able". Finally a by-law is proposed giving the highway superintendent authority to close roads for mud conditions and granting the Selectboard power to make exceptions provided that the road user is responsible for damage to the road. The drafts are under review by legal counsel. To clarify the FRCOG and FRRS matter discussed at the previous meeting, it is the intent of FRCOG to get legislation allowing FRCOG to participate in the State Retirement system rather than the regional one. Folding the FRRS into the state system is not the intent. Linda Dunleavy, executive director of FRCOG, says she will be asking for letters of support from member towns once the bill is assigned a number. Representative Kulik is the sponsor. I have referred two complaints about conditions at rental units at 25 Winchester Rd to the Board of Health. I think the Town should consider putting the property into receivership if the landlord remains uncooperative. We have our final 2012 audit and management letter. I co nsider it an audit to be proud of and note that there are seven recommendations and no findings. Seaboard solar reports that the Brimfield project is not going forward and they are looking for alternate site. In Ware the situation is the opposite and that project may be approved for as much as eight megawatts thought the original application was for six. National Grid is doing a feasibility study of the Ware project at a cost of about $50k to the developer. My contact at Seaboard assures me that the firm will come through with the Town's entire 10 megawatt development. I used the Building and Energy Committee's report on energy use at town buildings to provide the developer with data on the Town's anticipated electrical energy use though we are already signed up to buy power from the Pequoig project at Adams Farm in Athol.