Coordinator report March 23, 2017 This March 27 meeting puts you back on schedule and synced with the biweekly vendor and employee warrant cycle. I have requested a Police Department report for this meeting since it has been a while. The Conservation Commission item to discuss an enforcement issue and a water flow issue may be timely or may be put off in part based on snow cover making discussion of issues difficult. On Wednesday the 29th there is a DOT statehouse award event where I expect we will be funded for the Gale Rd bridge. I need the board's vote to apply for and accept a couple of grants. One is our DEP recycling grant which needs the board's approval and execution. Another is a DOT funded grant administered by FRCOG for up to $1000 for public bike rack grant. I seek the board's approval. Chief Gates has provided a written report on Fire departmental pay. Remember the Association's supper on Saturday evening. Tickets are $8. I have contacted the Scanlon Audit firm to arrange a meeting to discuss the most recent audit.