Coordinator Report November 21, 2013 Selectboard needs to designate the position of "Fence Viewer" as a special municipal employee and grant Brian Miner and Brad Matthews Chapter 268 Section 20D exemptions so they can as well as act as uncompensated fence viewer, hold private plowing contracts with the Town and in addition be members of the fire department and in Brian's case a part time highway hourly employee. Mr. Whipple has applied for renewal of his Class II and Class III licenses. He has provided proof of insurance and made payment of the $50 and $100 fees. A motion is in order to grant and sign the licenses. Kerry Cooke of Orange Rd has agreed to be appointed to the Recreation Committee. Nick's question to me at the previous meeting of "how did you calculate" the part-time hourly rate was in order and the answer is: incorrectly. The correct rate according to the accountant is $16.86. Town accountant requests the revised rate be voted. Assessors have advertised a Selectboard tax classification hearing at 6:15 p.m. which is part of the tax rate setting process. Warwick has always had the same tax rate for all classes of property. Unless someone has a new thought that has never been considered before, I recommend that the board once again vote one tax rate for all property classes (residential, commercial, and industrial). The tax rate will be 18.33 per '000 of valuation. The school district has invited us to collaborate by choosing two persons to attend a meeting Dec. 4 at the school to discuss "capital". I've informed the building and energy committee and finance committee to see if either body would like to have a representative named by our Selectboard.` I will soon be issuing a call for 2013 Town reports from committees, departments, and commissions shooting for January 30 deadline. And I've begun work on the FY15 town meeting warrant and budgeting. In that year we will begin making payments on the second of our one-ton trucks while at the same time the debt excluded heavy truck is paid off in this, the current fiscal year. I've increased some line items that were too lean including veteran's benefits, contributory (health) and liability insurance and as well, unemployment insurance. A revolving fund for field driver is a new proposed account addition. Annual town meeting is Monday May 5, 2014.