Coordinator Report December 9, 2010 We have advertised a tax classification hearing for tonight. This is part of the tax rate setting process. Warwick has always had the same rate for all classes of property. Unless someone pulls something out of a hat that has never been considered before, I recommend that the board once again vote one tax rate for all property classes. Despite the representation of others, I have located new rebuild parts for the failed dry valve at Warwick Community School (WCS) Cost is half of list and I am seeking quotes to install. We got a denial of claim from IKO on the WCS roof failure. I will write them to get a copy of their lab results and justification. We will probably need to file a lawsuit to get them to pay anything. The WCS building performance consulting contracting is before the WCS who meet on the 13th of December. Before that work is awarded I will have the holes in the envelope from the old sprinkler system plugged / repaired. There are three ceiling tiles to replace. Very short punch list. Roadside cutting and the firewood generated is an issue we need to address. I hope the board will vote to uphold its voted policy and direct the highway workers not to take wood home for their own benefit. See attached correspondence. Four applicants to date have requested the information package for Internet customer premises equipment (Cpe) grant. I have confirmed that volunteers working on the project are covered by Town insurance. Ted came back with a lot of good suggestions to clarify and simplify the project which I will have incorporated by Monday's meeting. A volunteer was mistakenly taken to be a member of the Selectboard in discussions with DHCD regarding Warwick's CDBG grant program income. Her allegation of agency wrongdoing caused the agency to schedule a "monitoring" which amounts to an audit by the agency. I sent a letter of thanks and request that the person not represent themselves as working on behalf of the Town, Selectboard, and town coordinator. We excuted an extension of the '09 CDBG grant for one year. I am getting concerned about new video on demand broadband devices such as Google TV, game and blue ray devices with Internet ports and their effect on our network and ultimately on customer satisfaction. I will confer with broadband committee first and I am considering issuing a caution / warning to folks who will be disappointed and slowing our network. We got our new public IP addresses. I have ordered a bandwidth shaping device which will manage traffic so heavy bandwidth users can't so easily degrade system performance. Nothing back yet on the tower study to upgrade backhaul capacity to repeater base stations and increase number of base stations. Town hall PV system just needs electrical inspection and we are good to turn it on, connected to the electrical grid. We got the signed interconnect agreement with utility today. Elevator inspection determined that the sump pump in the elevator basement has failed. I will have the Tech School plumbing students replace it. They are looking for work on town buildings so I'll inform FD, Library, etc. The electrical class has installed an emergency transfer switch so we can easily connect a generator in case of extended power outage. Finally the town hall roof contractor has sent us a letter threatening lawsuit. Fred's reply to my assessment is attached in your meeting package. Turns out the Police want not a loose animal bylaw but one for open containers. They also feel they need a new cruiser. The department has forwarded a policy regarding use of personal vehicles. It says they will avoid using them when stopping motorists. Some information is included in the meeting package on the cruiser and the policy is included. I got the departmental budget worksheets done this week. BOH is working on the transfer station budget. Highway has submitted its FY12 budget which includes request for a new roof. Transfer station paper compactor is wired and working. After some discussion we have agreed with the district that we get to keep the spare container. It will help us do more double hauls. I worked with accountant and assessors clerk on the enterprise fund forms which are required to get tax rate approval. Since we borrowed for Broadband there is no deficit to show on the A-1. We note the borrowing on the balance sheet. Our books show the transfer station ending last year with a $2000 loss. It gets increased by $5000 because we have to vote at TM to be able to use the $5000 year end surplus from FY09. My research is clear that the Stretch code requires TM vote, adoption is not by simple vote of Selectboard. This is different from what is in the meeting minutes.