Coordinator report May 8, 2014 Resident and BEC member Steve Kurkoski has made it his mission to move the school district and member towns forward to allow performance contracting as a financing mechanism to pay for energy betterments with future savings. He is coming before the board to explain his strategy, progress, and share his work to date. I'd like the board to discuss and consider its role with respect to Warrant article spending. The voters approved it and if it was raise and appropriate we have to put it in the tax rate. I believe the board can be more involved with respect to timing of expenditures and seeking justification were it to choose to do so. Bill Lyman has requested an agenda item to discuss voice recording Selectboard meetings. He understands that it is his right provided he discloses however he would like to move forward with some Selectboard support. I want to sell the surplus fire truck and highway truck before July 1. The latter may be most valuable to another town and doesn't involve formal procurement as a municipal to municipal sale. I have made overtures to my fellow small town administrators. The board will need to agree upon the sale price if some town is interested. Failing that strategy I will sell the vehicle on eBay provided the board approves. I think the fire truck may be of interest to a farmer or to somebody with the same truck for parts. That could be locally advertised for "best offer" or an eBay auction. We did pretty well on the one ton truck I sold for the town on eBay so that may be the better route. I am an eBay seller with over 5000 feedbacks and eBay is offering me off listing fees for vehicles right now. I charge the town my actual and demonstrated costs that came out of the sale. You already pay me for my time. These costs include listing fee, final value fee, and if any, credit card processing fee. If we get these assets sold in FY14 they will be available to contribute to FY16 free cash. Bill, Jim, John and I are attending a follow-up technology meeting at Pioneer on May 13 at 2 pm. Kinder Morgan / Tennessee Gas Pipeline will present and answer questions at 7 pm the same day at Warwick Town Hall. I will post both as contingent Selectboard meetings. (Contingent upon their being a quorum). I rather anticipate a quorum for the pipeline meeting. The board should lead by example and remember that this is a meeting to ask and have answered questions. It is not for statements of support nor of opposition. The technology meeting is committee work. Come and watch and if you feel qualified, contribute. Or you can trust the four of us.