Coordinator Report The newsletter has been out a couple of days and there has been no rush of volunteers for Capital Planning and Finance Committee I have requested on your behalf that Highway Department Superintendent Delaney attend to report on Gale Rd Bridge, Northfield Rd paving, Salt use, Chapter 90 balance Chapter 90 plan and other plans for summer At 7 pm we have a pole hearing on the petition by Warwick Broadband for twelve solely owned poles The heat pump project is proceeding smoothly and we will be ready for the electrician to hook up the new gear in a few more days. Surplus property declaration: five window air conditioners. I suggest that we give them to PVRSD for the superintendent's office. The four small units would be most helpful to that cause. We got the final cell tower 900 MHz sector upgraded today. Not fully optimized but folks are seeing 4 to 10x improvement. George is not interested in working the "dump" on Wednesdays during the summer which probably means we will not accept bulky waste on Wednesdays because of the financial risk of putting an inexperience person at that helm. The teachers union (Association) is filing an unfair labor practices complaint against PVRSD and Superintendent. I got a copy of a "message to staff" anonymously that I already had received weeks earlier from Dr. Miller who had addressed the staff and provided the address in writing. In it she cautions against teachers "giving up their privacy rights" which has been taken as a threat. I've attached a copy of this alleged threat which mirrors the sound recording of words spoken to the School Committee by a School Committee Association trainer. Pioneer graduation is tomorrow June 2 and the Senior Class has chosen one of the former administrators no longer in our employ as the commencement speaker.