Coordinator Report March 31, 2011 Included in your meeting package are minutes as submitted by town secretary. I judge the changes made by members to Scenic roads in the minutes confusing. We will have to work it out at the meeting. In the end I hope the board will adopt the recommended policy as presented and as adopted by the Planning Board and Conservation Commission. The final census results are in and we are required to decide whether to remain one voting precinct, which we may do because of our low population. The roadside wood policy committee has made its recommendation. Patricia has her own version which is also attached. The committee's version is the product of nine members, mostly volunteer community members who in the end voted to recommend it unanimously. My opinion is that the board ought to adopt it as presented given that nine people spent four or more hours each on the matter. As of 3/31 we have not received any articles by petition for annual town meeting. I informed the Recorder and Daily News of the opening and closing dates. Board needs to vote to close the warrant at Monday's meeting. The five member Finance committee met to review the FY 12 budget and warrant and the version attached has their recommendation. They want all the free cash voted to reduce the tax rate. They also recommend buying and paying now / not borrowing for a new police cruiser; and increasing the Capital Stabilization contribution from $25k to $40k which will bring us up to about $100k undesignated in Stabilization. They agreed to begin repayment of the ton truck and sprinkler repair borrowing in FY12 though by law we don't have to make our first payment until FY13. The tax rate stays level and our excess capacity is up by $45k from last year. They agreed with my 10% reduction of state aid on the revenue side which is far more discount than the governor or house is putting forth. The newly voted Highway machinery revolving account is in this version and the Recreation Commission is gone at request of accountant because they function under a different statute and don't use the revolving account. Recreation uses a "donation" account. There is money in the budget for a new roof on the highway garage and increase in the WCS improvement account to pay for crack sealing the road into the school. I need a budget from the BOH on the transfer station and I am using last year's budget. We need a vote by the assessors on overlay reserve which is $2k in revenue. I may be able to shrink the subsidy to the transfer station from $20k to about $12k but that is really the Transfer Station Enterprise Fund Commissioner's call, though the Selectboard must approve the budget before it is brought to ATM. Then I think we are ready for Annual Town Meeting except for error checking. I met with our worker's compensation risk control agent for a review which had no findings. Snow and ice is not overspent yet. You will get to sign Chapter 90 reimbursement documents. We have real "free cash" and Pioneer school budget numbers. The date of the Memorial Day parade has been set. The time may be earlier than usual. National Grid came through and removed the power to the old school so it may be razed. The new copier arrived. I agreed to serve on the Pioneer School boiler green improvement committee representing the Town. I am close to ordering new Town flags for the stage and flagpole. This time they will be fly-able with only one side "correct" as flags are normally. The new copier arrived. The old one can be bought for $350 so I will offer it to townspeople. It is otherwise to be returned. I wrote a letter clarifying special municipal employees and exemptions. I processed the DEP mini grant. Les Goodman and I spoke at a recent MBI event last Saturday.