Coordinator report July 17, 2014 Need to set a new date for the previously scheduled Gale Rd pole hearing which I forgot to put on the agenda. The Commonwealth is the only abutter to be notified. Would the Selectboard be interested in having a special town meeting revisit the regional school budget authorization? The matter is up in the air due to the result of the Northfield over-ride tie vote. I'd like the board to request better signage such as "wrong way go back" in front of the town hall where every day somebody who doesn't know better goes the wrong way and make a potentially lethal turn onto Orange Rd. My preference would be some one way nail strips like the drive in movies used to employ on the "out" road. Also, putting down angle parking lines in front of the Inn has been requested as out of town folk seldom know how to park. On the Saturday of Old Home Day we usually close the Athol Rd in front of the Historical Society building and Town Hall. It is time to do so again by a vote of the board. The roof project is coming in within costs. Hamshaw was the low bidder for materials. I am working on a change order to add 3" of foam to the gym and stage, air seal the roof and rework the trim. We are going to glue and nail plywood to the existing OSB to make a better surface to attach the additional insulation foam board and plywood to. I anticipate the project being completed before the beginning of school on Aug 27. Orange bought our old truck, sander, and plow. We have another sander which Larry requests the board declare surplus so we can get rid of it. I'll be looking to get scrap value. Seaboard Solar the folks we have a Net meter "host" contract with have proposed a new contract which I am having reviewed by counsel. They missed the first allocation of municipal net metering projects but the pool has been increased. Seaboard is under construction and proceeding with the project in W Brookfield, MA. I recommend signing as soon as our counsel has approved. Kopleman Paige has already reviewed the docs for N. Salem and Wendell. A homeowner had his boundary marker removed by our roadside maintenance efforts on Winchester Rd. Larry was able to locate the remnants of the pin to re-establish the spot.