Coordinator report January 30, 2014 The result of the hearing on the final permit needed for completing the fiber lateral to Mt Grace H tower is that the permit is issued and recorded at the Registry of Deeds. Weather and possibly capacity at MBI is now the limiting factor. We are still working to implement the second and additional backhaul connection. I have engaged a consultant to assist us with configuration of a multi WAN router. I expect provisioning of the 123 Network sometime in the spring. I am continuing to work on provisioning Internet from the NH fiber network. I hosted a meeting with Soltas, the solar energy company who are the assign of the Quabog project and are supposed to by our solar electric supplier. They oversold the Adams Farm project and expect to begin to deliver power to us from another source in April or May. My understanding of the signed deal is that the net metering credits would obtain on our side of the meter removing transmission and distribution charges. The new scenario proposed doesn't do this. To compensate at this point they are offering a 20% discount which gets us some of the way to the previous deal. The meeting was attended by Geoff and Eric from our current supplier, the HCOG; by Janice from or Building Energy Committee; her counterpart Linda from Petersham; and by Hal Gilum of Quabog. We need a traditional supplier in case the solar project goes down and need to avoid making any agreement with a minimum buy. We are currently on the HCOG profit sharing plan which gives us the National Grid standard offer for price but is causing them to lose money because they buy on the spot market. Larry contacted Mass DOT / Mass Works who confirmed we are getting a STRAP grant award and that the letters have not been mailed. Perhaps they are waiting for passage of the bond bill. I met with Tennessee Gas Co's land agent. About 20 something properties are involved in the proposal including a great deal of state land. If it gets built it will be a few years. They will walk and flag the route this spring and then if the project is going anywhere the next step will be test borings. It would be two or three years before construction. The route is Albany to Boston. We are signed up again this year for a half page congratulatory ad in the PVRS high school yearbook. This year again we will have photos of our graduating seniors. Assistant Superintendent Healy is working on our behalf with MSBA to submit our third or fourth try for financial help on the school roof. Based on the questions they have been asked I'd say our chances are very slim. The BEC may advise us to hold off on the gym roof. I am going to put together a meeting with the District and our committee soon. The governor's proposed budget for FY15 makes small cuts to payments for state land, and holds local aid to us fairly level compared to last year. The slight apparent increase is due to reimbursements for Veterans' benefits, so not a gain.