Coordinator report June 28, 2018 Rosa was successful recruiting James Toth to Cemetery Com mission until May 2019 election. Have some notices of who's been appointed to be filed for FRCOG Council and Alternate; FRCOG Regional Emergency Planning Committee; FRTA Advisory Committee appointment I have invited the only resident notary to the meeting to notarize your signatures on the Verizon warranty covenant right and easement. If she is not available, members will have to go out of town to a bank or someplace to finish this authorization. I checked, and the town clerk seal is not sufficient for recording at registry of deeds. Last meeting Larry D got called out to deal with storm damage. This meeting we look forward to hearing a pavement plan update. My understanding is he is going to tell us we should do milling before paving to provide a level surface to bond to. That is the reason for some pull back on filling potholes. In addition, let's talk about crack sealing and get more detail on emulsion and chips as a way to seal and preserve roads. Dawn emailed LD to request the chapter 90 project request be before the board out of concern that time is passing. We can discuss the timeline. We got a Mill Brook (Northfield Rd) bridge report and Gale Pond small bridge report. Larry has achieved Roads Scholar status with MA DOT I'll have the documents available to execute the previously authorized Colonial Power electric aggregation consulting contract. Town Secretary requests to make changes to the long-used format of Selectboard Minutes by eliminating the frames and going to text only. Your meeting packet includes the draft legislation filed last week on behalf of the Pioneer School District and deficit financing. I will be personally withdrawing my objections made to state reps regarding future deficit spending. I think the state's leash will be sufficient to allay my concerns. Board of Health has a letter to salt afflicted residents drafted which was reviewed by counsel and greenlighted. They have money in their budget next year to do follow-up testing. BOH could use some information regarding names and sites of all the concerned parties.