Coordinator report April 11, 2013 We have been contacted by the housing authority regarding our interest in participating in a new multi town CDBG housing rehabilitation application. If you say yes we will need to fast track our project list and other planning documents. The actual surplus available from transfer station operations is slightly lower than I budgeted for. The Commissioners voted to revise the revenue budget with $3,237 in taxpayer support for operations in FY14. Action approving this budget change to the transfer station budget is requested. Selectboard action is a necessary step which has to be approved by town meeting. Mr. Toth has agreed to participate in the upcoming perambulation. I put the parties together via email and they expect to conduct the exercise soon. Mass towns received a provisional Chapter 90 funding letter. Ours was dated 4/1 awarding Warwick $341,974 for fiscal year 2014. This amount is subject to enactment of a 50% increase over last year. This is not a contract unless the legislature passes the proposed bond bill and budget revenue. Gail Healy, assistant to the superintendent, will attend the meeting to ask the board to over-rule my denial for reimbursement for repairs to the WCS water system, specifically a submersible water pump. We ought to begin with a discussion of capital versus operating costs. Total cost including snow plowing, labor and parts is about $4,800 for this repair. I denied the request because we were not consulted to provide prior approval, because it is a repair and not a capital item, and because it does not meet a $5000 threshold. Your packets include the district agreement, a copy of the expired lease, the request and my response, and my email to Mr. Raymond on the topic. The BEC is interested in this discussion which was topic of interest with our performance contracting consultant who advised that some of the district's operating costs were being considered capital by the District. Periodic balancing of the HVAC system was one example. I asked Mr. Raymond to contact Bernardston's auditors and I have sought concurrence with my opinion from our auditors. Finally we can discuss the proposed regional school budget which as it stands increases Warwick's cost by $102,000. An email from the Superintendent is attached. I have represented to the District that we can handle at most a 4% increase though it was reported in the Recorder that we can go 4.5% which isn't the case. As a consequence of new union contracts the proposed District budget increase is $800k and Warwick gets 10% of that. Leyden's minimum contribution is decreased so most of the increase we can afford is consumed by reallocation of what was previously their cost. Building and Energy Committee will meet next week to develop their plan to insulate the equipment shed at the highway department. I suggested they use $3.80 as a fuel oil cost for modeling the project. Rather than hit the tax levy I propose the project be funded from Stabilization Fund. I propose a special Selectboard meeting for 3:30 pm on Thursday April 25 to sign the Annual Town Meeting Warrants. I am not comfortable waiting until the regular meeting on the following Monday as the warning must be posted by 7 pm Monday the 29th of April. The Selectboard needs to undertake the evaluation of the fire chief. This was supposed to happen at the six month juncture and I don't think it did. As a first step the chief has undertaken a self-evaluation using the tool Ms. Magi developed. I also have the Association and Public Safety building update on the agenda as we did not get the report last meeting. You will be closing the annual town meeting warrant at this meeting. The Selectboard may add articles right up to the signing and posting of the warrant which must be done at least seven days in advance of the Annual Town Meeting which is Monday May 6 at 7 pm. Town departments and committees who want their reports published in the Town report need to submit them. This year, by vote of the Selectboard, the town election is being held in combination with the special statewide election on April 30. We have candidates for all offices with exception of a two year position on the Transfer Station Board of Commissioners. There are no races for office except for the US Senate primary elections. We will be running two parallel elections and the warrants have been posted. I will get the postcards noticing voters of Annual Town Meeting and of the election sent out. I have advertised the collector position in the Daily News and posted the job opening as required under our personnel policy. To date Terry is the lone applicant. He has retired and is available to be re-employed effective the 20th. I recommend you reappoint so we have a collector to deal with tax title and other aspects of the job. We have a dedicated local phone number for broadband. For service or to report an outage call 978-633-9544. Installation cost is now only $100. Public safety and other town officials met with Pat Smith of the FRCOG planning department to finish our Hazard Mitigation Plan to submit it to FEMA so we can apply for financial support to address issues we identify as possible future problems. The step will be to make the document available for review by the public at the town clerk office, library, and webpage. I will send postal letters to neighboring towns. This is a FEMA requirement or I'd send email notice. To check the Town's on-line long range calendar go to this Internet address. Some folks find it helpful to bookmark the URL in a browser as it is not an intuitive address. Or go to the Town web site and click on the link. This link has changed in the past two weeks. -feca-446f-8081-9002e8712f43/18dca1c2-4835-4b8e-9383-1ac154f6f912/index. html# David Young Administrative Coordinator