Coordinator report October 19, 2017 Chief Shoemaker will be before to make a Warwick Police Department report. I will describe a town hall fire drill that had me seeing red. A lot of folks are past impatient regarding line painting and I join them. In your packet is MA law prohibiting idling motors for more than five minutes which is punishable by $25k fine. PVRSD Super has reached out regarding need to update District Agreement. Bernardston has replied, wait for HEART committee. We have a question of providing Central Office, Business Manager, and Superintendent in the future. There are options which include same old way we always done it, shared, interim while we figure out our path, and retention of Dr. Miller. I am seriously wondering, should Warwick consider a fifth option, quitting Pioneer District and joining Mahar or entering into a tuition agreement. For its part the SC has impaneled a search committee for a new, not shared Superintendent. Two of four SC members serving on search committee are in conflict of interest and had to recuse themselves in the complaints against Dr. Miller and Principal Bacon. I use this opportunity as reminder and importance of the Nov 9 stakeholders meeting whose purpose is to hear from DOSE (edu), DLS / DOR (revenue), and School Committee Association about our challenges. I want to meet regularly with SC members who are progressive apart from School Committee meetings and with public notices. School Counsel says yes you must post and wonders if Town Clerks will post it. I met with Paul Luther who is Bernardston's Town Clerk and he won't because by his lights it's a political meeting not a meeting of an official board. I argue that a meeting of all board chairs that achieves a quorum of NONE must be posted. This is fairly new and the generic advice of the AG. I believe that we can't violate OML if he won't post our meetings so long as we try. Baystate Accounting Group, one contemplated outsourced Town Accountant solution, offered some meeting dates next week but we will need to go into the following week where they are available Tuesday 10/31 between 130pm-3pm; and Wednesday 11/1 between 130pm-330pm National Grid is slamming us with tax recovery on grid electrification of our broadband masts. They captioned it as federal tax and when challenged the Tariff (MA) was cited which does allow them to calculate a charge to us for their corporate federal tax hit resulting from our line extension. We are paying the invoice and will under the Tariff be intitled to a one time recalculation post construction. I have MBI, MMA, Congressman McGovern's office and our counsel on the matter. I've reached out to Leverett and they incurred no such cost. Best advice is not to hold up the project, pay the invoice and then contest. We should spend a few minutes on Special Town Meeting Warrant review and prepare for meeting at 7 pm. I've taken the liberty of assigning Articles and Doc gets to move the final article. I'll work on a press release to publicize so we make quorum. Warrant instead of post cards was mailed to all residences. Board should adjourn by 6:50 p.m.