Coordinator report June 30, 2016 Terry Kemerer, tax collector has requested the Selectboard appoint his assistant Jessica Foote to replace him as Tax Collector. We have, effective July 1, moved to MIIA the not for profit arm of our trade association MMA. We need to, as condition, vote and complete their membership application. I request the board vote some directives. First is that the Town continue to recognize and fund highway compensatory time in our books. Accountant and highway super need this instruction or I suspect the "extra" work will stop. The Council on Aging got a grant to replace the kitchen range at town hall. The grantor agency has paid its half and that is reflected in the invoice. We need to prepay Gillette Restaurant Equip and then they will deliver the new unit. This authorization I seek. Finally, I seek the board's approval to prepay Orange Ambulance per the IMA. Vote to accept and enter into the Inter Municipal Agreement with Orange Ambulance. This is three year agreement. We will need to give notice by March 30 next year provided we have an alternative in place. No new submissions by residents on landline phone service and deficiencies. Highway - We have the forms to sign for Chapter 90 reimbursement for the Chestnut Hill Project. Quarry Rd is not completed. Northfield Road is this summer. We are having issues with the backhoe. We should consider replacing it for the sake of efficiency. For some reason many repair vendors are not calling Larry back. I have noted that maintenance is slipping on our highway equipment and recommend that the board make inquiries. Take a look at the service history on the new front end loader. We probably need to replace the backhoe but I have misgivings given my perceptions of inadequate maintenance. I gave Larry a written directive a week ago that his daily emails to me, which outline the next day's work, be posted in his office for benefit of the workers; and that he develop and keep updated a list of "background" tasks that he post to keep the men meaningfully employed. These matters have been ignored. We are eligible for DLA assistance through FRCOG which we will use to develop our next Green Communities grant. Guardian Energy who are an approved project expeditor are developing a plan to install air source heat pumps in the town hall to save energy for both heating and cooling. Friday July 1 begins the new fiscal year and marks the Broadband system upgrade. See Tom's report attached and my piece I put in the newsletter. I'll be leaving for vacation after Tuesday's meeting. Scanlon's CPA audit firm begins our audit on Thursday July 14. The team will be on site for approximately a week. The most recent audit was FY12 and we will be auditing FY15.