Coordinator report May 19, 2017 I am seeking board approval to follow up on resident John Keith Gagliani's suggestion that the Town create / appoint a Capital Planning Committee. John is willing to serve. Please give me an indication you wish to proceed and I'll begin recruitment and draft some sort of committee charge for your review.. I have asked Highway Department Superintendent Delany to give us a report on Gale Rd Bridge, Northfield Rd paving, anything new o salt use, review priorities and plans for summer construction and maintenance. I am asking the board to approve three additional Broadband new part-time hires. M. Wollven and N. Horton are residents and T. Gray is not and is willing to travel. Horton is a youth and I propose $11 / hourly which is the minimum wage. Wollven is a skilled woodworker while Gray is a graduate of FCTS electrical and has a Jr. College EE degree. I propose they start at $16 / hour. This is result of advertising per personnel policy and all three have done some work for us, most recently 5/18 when we upgraded 14 customers on the same day. Suggest April 5 be set as the date for Warwick Broadband pole hearing which sets a notice of abutter deadline one week prior to the date. Seek the board re-ratification of the Town's Buy Recycled Policy. This will enhance the Town's DEP grant eligibility. This policy is unchanged and was first adopted in 1998. There was some recent concern regarding use of fountain for watering livestock. George Day wrote to say, "When the fountain was installed in 1900, it was meant to take of animals as well as humans. (see attached page 175 from Charles Morse's town history) I have seen horses drink from it and I imagine that in years past cows did also. The lower trough is still there for sheep, goats, dogs, etc. I have seen people wash their cars out of the fountain. And I have seen people scoop large buckets out of the bowl to take home for their livestock. Until 1984 the supply line from the spring was tin lined lead. This recent episode did no harm to humans." There are some good indications regarding a way forward to upgrade the elementary schools in our Pioneer District. Warwick Building Energy Committee Chair Kurkoski wrote, "Representatives of Warwick, Northfield, and Bernardston (3 of the 4 towns in the PVRS district) met with CEE and Jim Barry and Tim Brandl (PVRSD Facilities Mgr.) last week and decided to re-write our town's original ERPs and include our elementary schools in our ERP baseline. Each town owns its own elementary school so we can do this. According to Jim Barry (DOER), each town can also include whatever % of the energy use of the middle/high school, based on the avg. of the last 5 years assessment... after we do include the school(s) this fall, then we can ask (FRCOG) to help us write a competitive grant to fix whatever we can. JK also notes, " PVRSD is applying for a META grant this round to have professional audits done in the main school, and perhaps Northfield elementary, if there is any money left. Hopefully, the District will pursue free Utility audits this summer - not involving any GC or META grant funds." We are about to spend the remaining funds in our original Green Communities grant on air source heat pumps at the Town Hall and Garage. After submitting the final package for DOER review last Friday at 4 pm they were back to us Tuesday with approval. This is very impressive turn-around.