Coordinator Report Nov 3, 2016 The state is ending the old Assessor's CAMA software. There are options available and the only one that comes with state financial support is moving to iasWorld software. To do this the form needs, among other things, a Selectboard sign-on. I recommend the board vote to authorize the chair to sign for this change on behalf of the Town. Bernardston Town Coordinator on behalf of their Selectboard emailed to say their board, Finance Committee and School Committee members from Bernardston recently met about the next Pioneer budget. They'd like to include Warwick in a meeting. I recommend we take a meeting. As part of the tax rate approval process it has come to light that the Selectboard have too much potential / appropriated revolving fund control. That is my mistake. Seems the maximum of a Town's RFs may not be more than 10% of the tax levy. We are ok there. However, a single department can oversee funds with potential of no more than 1% of tax levy and Town Meeting voted authorization exceeds that. I need the board to vote to sign a letter to DOR stating that despite our TM vote, Selectboard agree to cap their: Highway equip rental to $5,000 - which lowers by $10,000 and Livestock fees revolving to $1,900 which is lower by $100 Next year I plan to make Livestock under Police Department and Equipment rental under Highway Department. In truth the Selectboard will still have final sign off anyway. Our Green Communities grant totals $137,500 and we have 75% in hand. Our next project is Town hall heat pump. I've been using project expeditors (PEX) in much of the air sealing and insulation work with much satisfaction. However, the PEX had proposed >$50k for heat pumps serving the four town hall offices. This seems way high. So instead, I followed the construction bid process and we got one bid which I find acceptable. I recommend the board vote to contract with and award the job to Royal Steam in the amount of $24,640. Once completed, we will have about $25k left unexpended and unallocated of the award and until June 30, 2017 to expend. Building Energy Committee are working on our next priority project. Highway Department has demonstrated five backhoes from four makers. I request the board approve a project in the amount of $84,475. This will purchase the larger of the two models of Deere we tested, includes trade-in of the old hoe, and utilize $20,000 of other available highway capital equipment funds. At 6:30 pm we will hold a Public Shade Tree Hearing on a hazard oak twin tree located across from 35 Winchester Rd. This is not a Scenic Rd. A number of folks have determined that this is a potential danger. I know they are going to chain the two massive stems together and I don't know what Highway Superintendent will decide beyond that. I marked the tree with blue/white flagging Wed early p.m.