Coordinator report March 3, 2011 The next step in making National Flood Insurance available to affected Warwick property owners is for the Selectboard to vote a resolution for application to the Program. The one before you is based on the "sample resolution" provided by Department of Conservation and Recreation. I am seeking approval of a C 268A S 20D conflict of interest approval for Bruce Kilhart as temporary highway employee so he can fill in for snow removal should we require help in late March while Tim is absent for some surgery. As in the past a Selectboard member or Town coordinator would sign off on payroll. Somebody reported this past practice to SEC which resulted in no finding. We are at 80% expended on snow and ice budget so I recommend the board vote to authorize snow and ice deficit spending under Chapter 44 Section 31D. If the weather cooperates we might not go under water on this line. We should authorize it so snow can be cleared in case we do expend the appropriation. DHCD monitored Warwick CDBG program income. There were no findings. I will schedule a meeting with HRA and the Selectboard to review the "book" they put together for our account. Members of the Roadside Wood Committee in addition to Town Coordinator, Highway Superintendent and Tree Warden are: Linda Perkins, Michael Mankowski, Jim Toth, Kevin Alden, Lorne Petraine. Organizing meeting is Thursday March 10 at 6 pm. The surplus backhoe has been shipped to Whately MA and $10,000 received into the general fund. Fire chief Lambert is out of town for our next meeting. He will meet with the board on March 21 to update on Fireman's Association plans. Included in the board packet are copies of Town Meeting votes from 2001 and 2005 authorizing the demolition of the old school by the Fire Chief; a copy of the Unibank debt instrument retired in the previous warrant cycle; letter from MassPIRG regarding the bottle bill; HCOG letter that accompanied our $155 rebate check; a clearance letter from State Ethics Commission, a letter from Hampshire COG regarding aggregating their coop electrical program to residents and businesses, and the CDBG monitoring report.