Coordinator Report November 23, 2011 At the chairman's request we will discuss planning for the Town's 250th anniversary and begin to develop a timeline. I suggest that the celebration be year-long, that we observe the 17 February anniversary date and that Old Home Day be the centerpiece. Chief Shoemaker reports that the new cruiser is in Town. Delivery was long in coming and it still needs to be lettered and a few other items dealt with. We will discuss the Sheriff Department DOCK program which provides a regional kennel located in Turners Falls and support services to the local ACO. Annual cost for Warwick is $700 and the start-up half year is $100. The board has a two page insert in the December community newsletter which includes a survey to assist us in being even more prepared for power outages, calls for volunteers to the new cell phone committee and plugs our broadband system. Thanks to Dawn for the initial draft and Miryam for editing. We got our approval from American Tower for our MBI (Mass Broadband Institute) WIMAX colocation this week. They have agreed that we can add considerably more equipment at no monthly charge and may have prompted a letter to our building department outlining their compliance with the terms of the special permit that allowed the tower construction. The letter is attached. Part of the MBI grant is to create off-grid solar power supplies for our broadband system. I am working with a senior electrician student at the Tech school on this as his "capstone" project. The PVRS district has submitted a lease for our approval. It is before the Building and Energy Committee for review. Mount Grace Land Trust has another proposed conservation restriction which is "Anderson Farm" the land of Ted Cady and Beth Anderson. Jay Rascue will present for MGLCT. We need to grant Ray Lemek a Section 20 D ethics exemption so he can be acting janitor and remain a broadband installer. It is tax rate setting time and as part of that we have advertised a "Tax Classification Hearing" where the board will be asked to determine that once again we tax all classes of property at the same rate. The Keene Sign Design firm inspected the welcome to Warwick sign and recommended some painting and filling at a cost of $100 which I have ordered. We are getting 40 hours of community service as restitution from the youth who damaged the sign. Two of the four youth have completed their service to date. Our elevator is ready for inspection. The date was cancelled due to the Halloween storm and not rescheduled since. For this reason I have not terminated the current service contract yet.