Coordinator report August 27, 2015 There are three sets of minutes to act on. The minutes of Jul 6 reflect the changes proposed in writing by Chairman Magi at the previous meeting. Police Chief Shoemaker will attend to make a report. I have informed him that the board does not require a continuous police presence and that an officer on patrol would be sufficient. MBI's premises count email was received and has not settled the questions. Moreover the individual at MBI says they won't have time at least for the next two weeks to provide us with the Warwick data set. Our Assessors just completed a complete revaluation process and I trust our data. Someday we will reconcile the information. There is now some confusion about whether every premises would be provisioned with fiber under WiredWest or in the alternative only those that sign up. The latter scenario would be fine if we had a guarantee that the service ratepayers and not the taxpayers will be making the debt repayment. If this is on the taxpayers then all residences, in my opinion, ought to be connected. One of the more population dense WiredWest communities, Otis, has indicated its withdrawal from the cooperative. Warwick's subscription to the financial modeling software begins September 1. MBI wants to attend a Selectboard meeting October 26. I have penned them in. It was a rough week for Warwick Broadband customers and employees. It began with routing problems on the cell tower site which resulted in a nearly weeklong period where secure (https://) traffic would not load in a customer's browser. That problem was external to us and affected about sixty customers who as a consequence could not do on-line banking or even track a USPS or FedEx package. A few hours after we got that fixed on Wednesday our Mt Grace router locked up. The fix involved a visit to the hut and a hard reboot. During the week we got more than five inches of rain and electrical storms which put a number of customers out of service. During the period we signed up four new customers and have been able to provision one of them. While we have made much progress on repairs, we are not out of the woods. Preliminary end of year financial statements say WBS collected $99,091.00 and had expenses of $82,301.00 yielding a FY15 surplus of $16,790.00. Add that to the prior accumulated surplus reported of $36,518 and we are in the black to the tune of $53,308 for Warwick Broadband through June 30, 2015. I have prepared the document for the Selectboard to vote and sign to have the Town become an official "intervener" in the FERC pipeline process. Our letter requesting a local / Northfield scoping session was replied to. I wouldn't go so far as to say answered. Annual Town Meeting authorized $500 for household hazardous waste day and I need approval to sign the MOA for the activity, not to exceed the appropriated $500. While we are still shopping for a used bucket truck to be shared by highway department, broadband and the Tree Warden, I am following up on Mr. Shepardson's suggestion that we rent when we need the equipment. We can insure a rented truck for about $500 per year. I have Brian looking into a day rate and hourly rate for Brandon's truck which he has indicated a willingness to rent to us. Our low price point may not buy anything we would want to own. I am going to have to get the phone lines serving the fire alarm at town hall fixed or find an alternate method to communicate as the alarm company / contractor has indicated that the line problems amount to too little reliability in case of a real event. One option is a new controller board that can use the Internet though the industry is generally skeptical of this route. The vendor suggests that the problem we experience is related to there really not being any solid copper circuits any longer.