Coordinator Report November 10, 2011 According to Mr. Field head of maintenance at PVRS the generator at the WCS was donated to the Town. I got a manual for it today. Roland is working on getting a new cap, rotor and other ignition parts. I believe the problem is with the momentary switch which we bypassed and probably missed a fuel solenoid. Once Roland has the wires back together, Steve K has agreed to look at the generator. Finally I will have Powers Generator Service in to service and assess the generator. It is not large enough to run the school. I recommend we get a suitable generator for the Town Hall. Perhaps repairing and moving the Onan at the WCS and replacing it. We also have a surplus diesel generator behind the Police Station. I will have the highway department pull it out of the weeds and we can see if we can start it. It would need to be rewound as it is three phase. A new 20KW Onan propane generator costs slightly more than $5k. We might want one twice or more that size. Some board members are not current on their ICS training requirements. This was evident by some of the communication I received during the Halloween snow storm. I will work with you on this training, testing, and certification The storm generated a lot of interest regarding getting cell phone service. I think we should form a cell phone committee like we did with the broadband need. I think we could as a last resort do our own phone company using the 123 fiber for interconnection to the publicly switched telephone network. Linda Styles wrote to renew the nuisance dog complaint against Dozer the dog. I have prepared another summons which I can have served upon your determination of how to proceed. Your package includes YDT financial reports. I review these monthly and provide for you to do so. MBI consultant was in town to survey our anchor institutions for fiber deployment. We visited WCS, Library, Town Hall and public safety buildings. The snow prevented us from going up Mt Grace but I drew a plan for them. On the MBI grant for WiMax we are proceeding with both Am Tower and DCR and I expect approval in a month or so. Senator Brewer sent a letter regretting that redistricting proposal will not have him serving Warwick. We will be in Stan Rosenberg's district. We will be in Jim McGovern's congressional district. Denise Andrews remains our state representative but she loses Greenfield in the plan. Warwick got a $500 grant from DEP for materials recycling. This has bought blue bins and recycled copy paper in the past. The town hall has all new exterior storm windows with the dining hall and meeting hall windows having been replaced last week.