Warwick Highway Weekly Log Nov. 5 - 11, 2012 Mon. Nov. 5 Began chipping up tree debris from Hurricane Sandy on various roads Worked on hazard mitigation plan research Went to Orange for supplies Met with David Young to go over highway issues Tues. Nov. 6 Finished chipping up tree debris from Hurricane Sandy on various roads Went over plowing and sanding route for Larry get him familiar with it Picked up truck # 3 from Porter's Diesel Spoke and met with property owners involved in tree hearing tomorrow night Hired brush mower finished mowing various roads in town Wed. Nov. 7 Prepared trucks for possible snow event this evening Brought truck # 3 to Porter's Diesel to have clutch readjusted Mixed up some sand/salt mix Crushed dumpsters at transfer station Spoke and met with property owners involved with tree hearing tonight Met with David Young on highway issues Tim went to tree hearing at Town Hall at 6 P.M. Thurs. Nov. 8 Did fluid changes on plow # 1 and spare plow and also made repairs to spare plow Changed brush chipper knives Cleaned out culvert on Hastings Heights Rd. and tried to locate another one but none was found Checked out list of trees for Tree Warden Fri. Nov. 9 Cut down dangerous tree on Wheeler Rd. Cut hanging branch on Gale Rd. Met with Tree Warden and National Grid arborist to go over tree cutting issues around town Went to Greenfield for parts Cut down dangerous tree on Shepardson Rd. for Tree Warden Met with David Young to go over highway issues