Coordinator report November 2, 2017 We have a hearing at 6:30 pm within the Selectboard meeting which is an annual rite in our property tax setting process. The Board will seek public comment on whether we should or should not continue to set a single tax rate for all classes of taxable property. We always have in the past, lacking any significant commercial or industrial property. As a note, utility poles are personal property not real property and that tax set by the state. I'll be meeting with the Town Forest and Open Space committee's at 4 pm Monday to review our progress and discuss next steps which include the Selectboard giving final authorization after the November 18 notice period is past and scheduling a closing. Board met with Bay State Accounting Group regarding outsourcing town accounting and should discuss next steps including a decision whether to pursue this avenue with procurement process. Dawn requested an "action item" agenda line to help follow matters to completions. I've requested FD take photos and provide some information on the surplus truck's condition. That hasn't happened to date though the truck is outside and I can take my own photos. We are also looking for Chief Gates to arrange a briefing with fire marshall and develop a fire drill plan. A few years ago Adam Holloway and Brian Miner developed a fire event pre plan for town hall and there may be a section on drills in that document. We have the matter of road salt use and ways to save highway fuel. With respect to salt, George Day's research has revealed reference in two town reports; 1975 page 33 lists formation of a salt study committee and later, in 1982 page 23 the ATM voted to use less salt as much as possible. Highway line painting is scheduled. Highway department did some hand cutting versus machine mowing to protect some broadband assets which is appreciated. The board may want to have follow-up discussion regarding meeting in Bernardston of shared school Central Office, Superintendent, and Business Manager There is an important upcoming school district stakeholders meeting November 9 at Pioneer and the January MMA trade show and annual meeting is the 19th and 20th in Boston. The elevator broke and was repaired by the maintenance vendor. Problem was a burnt contact. I reviewed our insurance coverage with MIIA and need to update our telecom valuation data. The copier lease ends in a few months and I'm looking at our options for getting more machine for no more expense. The "federal tax" recovery charge by Nat Grid for our broadband power line extensions has to be paid according to research that Rep. McGovern's staff member Brissette conducted. Diana Tandy contacted us to say she won't be able to continue The Gathering beyond Friday, 03 November. She wrote that "I have very much enjoyed my 5 plus years working here for the Community but need to move on. I will continue to be available to monitor the care of the Town Hall Kitchen, conduct Memorial Receptions and additional special events as needed." Diana plans to work more Senior Meal positions in addition to Warwick site on Tuesdays. We owe her a big thank you for more than five years hosting this activity.