Coordinator report February 28, 2013 The Board of Health requests that the Selectboard adopt a policy forbidding use of Styrofoam disposable cups, plates, etc. on town property. We have gone to recyclable paper and corn based plastic with success. This styrene based product isn't needed. I join them in recommending banning the use. The treasurer is working to add another offering for retirement and asked if she needs Selectboard approval. I told her the matter is in her wheelhouse and she is the authority. I recommended she not add a cafeteria of offerings but she is willing to augment and not only replace the current retirement plan with another offering. Collector is retiring effective 3/20/13. I recommend the board re-appoint him subject to his achieving retiree status so he can begin collecting his pension. This proposed rehire involves superseding the personnel policy which requires posting and advertising. No state or federal laws or regulations apply that mandate a procurement process, it is a matter of local policy which has been voted by Selectboard. The argument for ignoring the policy in this instance is that the incumbent candidate is available and a hiring process would amount to a sham, so let's skip it. With respect to adherence to state and federal regulations it is the employee and not the town that may be bound by any limits to earning, reentry into the workforce, etc. Joining the COG's health consort has been suggested by a member of BOH. I am unclear if it is a formal request of the board. If you want me to pursue the possibility let me know and I'll do some research. I note that the BOH does not have responsibility for the "dump" administration; we increased the hours of their clerk, and did not cut them when the transfer station went away. Building and energy committee wanted to share their minutes and may be seeking some direction from the Selectboard on how to proceed with the energy investments at the school. The revised framing statement is not available to us today as they just returned it for approval to the consultant. I fear the Pioneer budget is going to be going up, or Warwick's share anyway that while doing something makes even more sense it will be even harder to get our neighboring towns to do anything. We will have the final FY12 audit in a few more days. Attached is the draft management letter for your review. There are six recommendations and no findings. We all wish Mrs. Lemon the best in her upcoming hip replacement surgery.