Coordinator report February 16, 2012 The total dollars available for the housing rehabilitation project was $17,109.13 (FY1994 - $15,093.86 and FY2000 - $ 2,015.27). The mortgage loan is a full deferred payment loan due upon sale/transfer of the property. HRA staff are noticed that this is the maximum dollars available ($17,109.13) for Warwick housing rehab and there will not be any more funds available. I subsequently heard from the construction coordinator who thanked the Town for making this work. Paul Daniello of Mt Grace Land Conservation Trust will update the board on a new proposed project and describe a MA Forest Legacy program change that will have the State pay the Town and the Town who hold the conservation restriction pay the landowner. Patricia requested that I have the janitor pick up a used upholstered sofa for the cooling center in the dining hall. I had been called to task by the Women's Guild for the accumulation of overstuffed chairs and previously agreed to remove one of them to the dump. Because of this push-back I think the board as such should make this decision. I have invited some of those most concerned to the meeting to offer input. In consultation with our legal counsel I have penned in two minor changes to the net meter electric contract with Pequoig Energy which we can now execute. Last May at annual Town Meeting we voted that the Selectboard could sign electrical aggregation agreement so townsfolk could if they wish elect to buy electricity from the Hampshire COG group. I recommend we sign the contract. Tim is requesting we approve a $25,000 Chapter 90 highway project to purchase "hard-pack", a gravel like mix made of ground up pavement which he will apply to hilly unpaved sections of roads and expects this to hold better than gravel. FRCOG bids did the procurement for us. Building and Energy Committee chair developed a one page letter to PVRS district explaining the Town's desire to undertake energy betterments at WCS and be allowed to pay for the improvements from the savings. This will require a vote by each member Town. I am looking for approval by the Selectboard of this communication. In the past the Town has contracted for fixed priced diesel and fuel oil. The turn-around from bid opening to contracting is two or three days. I am asking you to authorize me once again to use my best judgment and contract or not based on the results and then also provided we are "in" allow the COG to contract on our behalf. Is time for the Selectboard to approve the proposed Enterprise Fund budgets of the Transfer Station and the Broadband system to be acted on by appropriation at the annual town meeting. The broadband budget is in balance and the Transfer Station budget requires about $6,500 in taxpayer support. This year the subsidy is $12,000 and in FY'11, the prior year, taxes supported $20,000 of the cost. I am proposing an ATM article to create a "Transfer Station Board of Commissioners" rather than having the Board of Health do it as part of their many duties. Dick Whiting and Michael Mankowsky are interested in serving on the new board of governance. I think it will make recruiting for the BOH somewhat easier. Incumbent member Whipple is not running for re-election and nobody has taken out paper to date. I recommend the board vote to open the Annual Town Meeting Warrant February 21 and that the warrant closes two weeks prior to the ATM which occurs May 7. A neighbor has questioned right of folks to park along Wendell Rd so I placed an agenda item on this meeting to address this and expect to know how wide the right-of-way is by meeting time. Broadband committee chair Reck has requested the Selectboard appoint Scott Seago of Richmond Rd to fill the vacancy on the committee. He is highly qualified and I concur. Bay State elevator billed us for $395 for having sent two of their employees to Town Hall to accompany one state inspector and run the elevator up a floor so the inspector could view the painted pit equipment. They reference a proposal RC 5667 which we never approved. I did see a proposal for $1501 to scrape and paint the equipment which I turned down. We will contest this charge.