Warwick Highway Weekly Log Mar. 18 - 24, 2013 Mon. Mar. 18 Brought Road Grader to Porter's Diesel for repairs Crushed dumpsters at transfer station Prepped all equipment for impending snow storm Called in personnel at 10 P.M. to sand all paved roads - truck # 2 had a air valve go bad and was out of service until 1 P.M. on Tues. after getting a part in Manchester, N.H. Tues. Mar. 19 Called in private contractors at 3 A.M. and plowed all roads - began re-plowing all roads and sanding paved roads at 9:15 A.M. - began finish plowing and sanding of paved roads at 2:45 P.M. - went home at 7:30 P.M. - 10" of heavy, wet snow and sleet Went to Manchester, N.H. to get air valve for truck # 2 Wed. Mar. 20 Called in personnel and private contractors at 3 A.M. to sand and plow due to additional 1" of snow overnight Installed new "Right to Farm" street signs for Planning Board Washed out sand trucks Cleaned up around highway garage Met with David Young and Beth Gilgun about highway issues Thurs. Mar. 21 Brian on day off Picked up Road grader from Porter's Diesel Began cleaning up intersections due to forecast of potential big storm for next Monday Went to orange for supplies Fri. Mar. 22 Brian on day off Cut brush on Quarry Rd.