Coordinator Report September 11, 2014 Moderator would like to know who is speaking first to each Special Town Meeting Warrant and the board should vote to recommend the articles to TM. Rosa has requested two additional persons be appointed election workers. They are: Art Long and Ann Kendall. I have put Patricia's pipeline letter and Dawn's revisions on the agenda so it may be discussed and perhaps finalized for signature. Each year the transfer station has to be inspected. The best deal is to contract with our Waste District at a cost of $75. I'll have that contract for approval. The campground filed in Superior Court their 40A appeal of the ZBA decision. We were served on 9/9. The suit has two counts and there is really only one, the zoning matter. Moreover it asks for attorney's fees which would necessitate a claim of bad faith. I've advised our insurer. Our counsel, Attorney Pollard is answering the complaint and will file a motion to strike the attorney fee claim and to dismiss the second count. George and Robert Day deserve our thanks for repairing the water manifold at the fountain which had a number of old leaky fittings. Total cost was $14. George also suggested an enhancement for the pressure pump in town hall which he will work with the tech school to implement. It would keep the pump from running when water is shut off. The tech school electrical class is working at WCS on the outdoor street lighting next week. I offered to split the cost with the District of converting to LED lighting. After incentives our share would be $1500 and it will save $800 / year. George as constable posted the Special Town Meeting (STM) Warrant. The required postcard notice to residents of the 22 September STM is in the mail. At 6 pm on the evening of the 22nd in advance of the STM there will be a follow-up one half hour presentation on the Stretch Building Code. Next week I am doing a mailing to residents whose homes are categorized as fair or lower to publicize the housing rehabilitation loan program that we are going to apply for. The application needs to show demand. These residences will get a pamphlet and pre-application. This work is in conjunction with our partner Franklin County Housing Authority / Rural Development Agency. Broadband installer John B and I are attending the Western MA Economic Development Conference on Broadband in Springfield MA on Tue and Wed and a Motorola Cambium ePMP broadband training event in Albany on next Thursday. The latter is free and the former we are being admitted to for $25 each instead of hundreds. I have sought consulting from MBI on using the fiber resource which will involve two meetings and in addition agreed to be part of a hazard mitigation planning survey that UMASS is conducting.