Coordinator Report November 12, 2010 Town accountant has requested Selectboard authorization for a recent 25 cent per hour pay increase given by the BOH / Transfer station board of governors for the dump attendant. The background is that when George was hired to replace his predecessor it was at one half dollar per hour less than predecessor and was done with intention to raise it to the budgeted amount after the probationary period was done. Tim did the same thing with the new highway hire. After six months that position will go up 50 cents per hour. It is all within the budget. I suggest a motion to permit department heads to adjust pay rates as long as the rates increases do not exceed their budget. Discussed with Planning Board chair Cady the matter of digitizing our tax maps for the zoning program. This will make them accurate and available to be overlaid on other GIS map layers. Two things are needed. We have a revolving fund limit and the Selectboard should vote to raise the annual limit. Secondly, the Accountant is of the opinion that a vote by TM is needed to broaden the allowable uses of this fund. The cost is going to be about $2,000 and can be met with these fees. The Assessors report that the Town's valuation has been approved by DOR. The Town's valuation went down about two million dollars. The effect on the tax rate is to raise it about ten cents. The tax levy of course stays the same. The valuations establish how we divide up the pie. The Town won one tax court appeal and has one pending. I watch these because when we lose it eats into the assessor's overlay, funds set aside for abatements and tax court decisions against us. Filed our answers to a DLS computer plan survey. In general it said that we have a peer to peer network to share printers and Internet and that our computer budget has been adequate to the task. As promised, MBI sent notice that they intend to make a fiber connection to the Town Hall. I forwarded the notice to the Historic Commission Making progress to hold a February 2011 Special Town Meeting (STM). Town Clerk is available for any Monday during the month. We are waiting for word back from the moderator Have a vacancy on the Warwick representative to the Pioneer Regional School Committee (PVRS) as no one took out papers and the incumbent won on write-in votes but has declined to accept the position. The vacancy is filled by appointment by the Moderator. Bernardston Finance Committee and Selectmen has invited the Warwick Fin Com and Selectboard to meet with them on Nov 30 at 6:30 pm at their town hall regarding the PVRS budget for 2011. Pastor Dibble reports that there is no charge for the domestic violence prevention training sessions that were discussed at the previous meeting. He is pursuing two tracks. One is training for the general public and the second is geared for first responders. Contacted the AG's office and advised Mrs. Foote regarding the Guild's project to paint the town hall dining hall. The only procurement law that applies is that if the painting contractor has employees, they must be paid prevailing wage. So the smart move is that they contract with an individual. The new meeting notice board by the back entrance has been completed and installed. We are paying for its construction while the installation was donated. The Tech School will be here next week to wire it for lights and while they are here, add the air conditioning 220 volt electrical circuit. They will also wire the new paper compactor which is being delivered on Nov. 16. Building and Energy Committee members Steve and Janice Kurkoski and Les Goodman installed everything except the panels for the town hall solar project. The actual panels will be mounted on the roof as soon as they are delivered which is expected to be in about three weeks. We will be the second municipal building to implement the new AC solar panels in the state. Procurement of consulting to assess Community School's building systems and capital needs moves forward with an on site meeting Tuesday at 9 am with potential vendors. Jack Cadwell is assisting me on the remaining Town Hall storm window replacement by writing the specifications. We had considered purchasing the windows and hiring the labor to install but the better windows are only sold though installer/dealers. Requested that the Town Secretary update the compilation of Selectboard voted policies as the previous effort is about one and one half years old. BOH issued vehicle stickers to sell. They are priced at $20. Each household using the transfer station needs one. This will raise $3000 or so for the operation. Last year after a balance carry forward, the Transfer Station Enterprise fund ran at an approximate $2,000 loss. Since then the pricing of bags went up and we are eliminating the yellow bag stickers that some people use on overly large nonstandard bags. George Day is willing to take back the job of Enumerator. Gunnar is willing to give it up. This is happening informally until the next round of annual appointments. The job used to be called E911 coordinator. I'll look into the title and function. I will be taking vacation the entire week of Thanksgiving. I may need to take two additional days in advance of Thanksgiving week for some meetings in NY. I will tend the voicemail and monitor email during my absence. I advised the Planning Board of the board's desire to hold a Feb. STM to include the Floodplain Zoning District. Ted is looking into clarification of the question of whether we are eligible for hazard mitigation funding without the zone. It appears we can't get mitigation money without the plan; the town could get disaster money following an event even if we didn't pass the zoning, but residents could not without the Town adopting the zoning change. I will have the application packages for the customer premises equipment grant activity available December 1. Publicity will occur in advance and will include the newsletter, broadband billing, targeted mailing, the email list-serve, and webpage. Of course word of mouth is the best. Each Selectboard member has been supplied with a copy of the application package that housing rehab clients work from and the income forms that get filled out. I am working on an internal policy to be followed to secure the privacy of applicants. Ted has suggested that once approved the beneficiary hold onto the information and sign an agreement to make the documents available on request for an audit, for instance or face return of the equipment. In the mean time if we hold records while they are being evaluated, they will be in a locked box with a key held by Ted and the box locked in a file drawer with the key held by myself, or Town Clerk or Treasurer. I am also making sure that Ted is covered by our insurance as a volunteer doing this work. There is importance in minding the subject line in emails. For one thing it helps to find messages later. It helps to know what is in the message. And it is very confusing when the subject in the line and that in the message have no connection. I expect to have our annual report document draft ready by meeting time. Is currently in outline form. In my next report I will summarize CDBG National Objective, Eligible Activity, Agency and Trust Accounts as they relate to CDGB.