Coordinator report April 14, 2011 A few folks are wondering how come other towns are talking layoffs and prop 2 1/2 overrides and Warwick has free cash and excess capacity? The answer is on both the expense side and the revenue side. We didn't have any free cash last year due to failure to borrow on broadband. That is corrected and $33k that should have been for FY11 is now in the available column. We got about $10k from MEMA for the '07 ice storm that went to free cash. We had a snow and ice surplus of almost $20k last year which adds to free cash. We got a one-time debt retirement proceeds check for $68k. That won't happen again and we are appropriating it to lower the tax levy. On the expense side we have not given any raises to employees for two years, have realized energy conservation savings and generally held to level funded budgets, the transfer station is getting closer to paying its own way. Finally, our school assessments have been increasing more slowly than the 2 1/2 percent tax cap. I am requesting the board vote to establish a "copier donation account" into which we may deposit the check from the new copier vendor to pay the remaining balance owed on the old copier. The old vendor will charge $100 for early lease termination which we will avoid by keeping the old machine and making the payments as they become due from the new donation account until August. I placed the old machine in the accountant's office for their use until lease in which is in August. At that point town departments or the public can be offered the old machine for $336 and we can avoid the $400 return fee. We got insurance check equal to our vendor's estimate for the damage to the park fence granite posts. Accountant created an account. Brian Miner has ordered the granite posts and will do the work in the next couple of weeks for the amount received as insurance proceeds. Chief Shoemaker will attend the meeting to present his monthly report, request authorization to execute new police mutual aid agreements and per Nick's request he will discuss the new cruiser purchase that will be before annual Town Meeting. I hope that sample copies of the town report will be available for final proofreading before we begin to publish them. They will be printed on the new copier and bound in house by an intern. It is a good idea to have some fresh eyes on this. Patricia has been working on this for a long time. Finance committee recommends the budget and warrant article passage. The Selectboard ought to make its recommendations to the voters on town meeting articles and the budget as well. Annual election warrant is ready for the board's signature and we can post the Annual Town Meeting Warrant and Budget. These have been reviewed by town counsel and the moderator. The Stretch Code article is included. We are using the language that New Salem used at their annual town meeting last year. Postcards announcing the Annual Town Meeting and Election are ready to go and will be mailed next week. We have some more certifications to give the Secretary of State regarding the Census and our single voting precinct. We will work through it at the meeting. Verizon company representative reports that they have placed "predictor packages" which log trouble on circuits on a number of affected phone numbers. These include Quarry Rd. They are trying to find larger problems on "spans" and want to run these devices for a number of days and including wet weather. MBI has issued an RFP for grants to communities and vendors. We are working on a plan to provide more CPE assistance, WIMAX licensed facilities at 3.65 GHz on both towers, and funding to propagate the signal to areas where we have failed to extend the signal. The maximum grant amount is $50k and requires a 25% match which we will meet with operating revenues. Late next week we will begin the expansion on Mt Grace adding more Canopy 900 nodes and 2.4 GHz distribution. Broadband committee meets Thursday 4/21 at 9 am to discuss the application. Fuel oil use by Town departments has almost reached the 4000 gallons ordered. I don't think we will exceed this contract which was not supposed to be all the oil we need. Our conservation measures are paying off. We got our Chapter 90 award letter and this year's apportionment is $229,667 which is a 29% increase. Our plans this year include crack sealing and crumb rubber treatment of road surfaces.