Coordinator Report February 15, 2013 I had Rosa catalog our exemptions granted under Chapter 268 Section 20d. I provided a copy to the town clerk who is the touch stone for inquiries from the Ethics Commission. I'll have a list of some positions to designate as special municipal just to be safe. It won't be the final and comprehensive run at this matter for this Tuesday's meeting but we are getting on track. Rosa's work product is attached Recreation committee requests that we appoint Holly Manson to their ranks. We have publicized this opening for some months and are grateful to Holly for stepping up. Her focus will be on older youth. Meanwhile the Recreation Committee sponsored ZUMBA is going strong with three one hour sessions each week. Roland Weld and Steve Kurkoski have the generator at WCS working well. It starts and runs and they adjusted the voltage and tested in on the school loads. Still worth it to keep it in our plans to replace this as it is a 1950s machine, is three phase, and was never converted to single phase. We are using two of the three legs of three phase power. Town clerk proposes that the board vote to set the date of the Town Election to coincide with the special state primary scheduled 4/30. I will have paperwork (election warrants) in hand to go either way but we need to get the warrants posted soon. I also have nomination papers for each office that is open. Thirty signatures are required to get a name on the ballot. Highway Superintendent Kilhart asks the board vote to authorize deficit spending on snow and ice. I recommend we do so. He reports that all signs must be compliant and has on order slightly more than $1000 worth of road closed to vehicles more than 10,000 pounds signs. These number 24. He has agreed to begin to acquire for the Highway Department additional signs that say "Road Closed" or "Road Closed to through traffic" from his budget. I want to tell the board that the town accountant considers expenditures from the Hastings fund and then seeking reimbursement an "end run" around the budget process and the DOR discourages it. I don't see the immediate need and recommend we buy only legal signs. FRCOG has worked on contracts to execute between towns for rental of equipment. The question I was asked to research by Tim is whether if we rent another town's piece of equipment is the Town covered? The answer is yes on liability and only if we inform them in advance and get a rider are we covered for damage to the equipment. The contract has been reviewed by Attorney Donna McNichols. I am not sure any action is required by the board and desire to let you know what is happening on this front. It doesn't make sense for every town to own every piece of equipment and sharing is good. Some of our part time employees have a problem with our retirement plan which leaves them with little after management fees due to their minimal contributions. Town counsel is investigating whether we can offer social security as an option. It would cost the town the match and would apply to retired employees who don't have to contribute under our current county retirement / OBRA plans. I was asked to investigate widening participation in the town's health insurance plan wherein folks could pay 100% of the cost and be part of it. This isn't legal say both the plan administrator and town counsel. We could however offer this scenario to town employees who have retired and are getting a pension from the county retirement system. Terry's retirement letter is attached. He intends to come back to work for us after gaining his retired status. Do we really want to engage in the parody of doing a hiring process? I responded to FRCOG questionnaire regarding our technical assistance needs and priorities based on information provided by Planning Board chair Cady and asked they look at our elder resident's interest in senior housing being developed in town. One thing I have learned in life is that running two calendars is dangerous. I ask the board's agreement that I eliminate the physical calendar located outside my office in favor of the on-line one. It is working for most folks and isn't any more work for the rest than the old way where they call me, I walk out the hall and consult it, make a deal and write it on the wall calendar. Take a look at this link: " Calendar/index.html" Town of Rowe, whose elementary school burned, is planning to build a new school and their building committee visited Warwick this Friday. I was interviewed over the phone and referred them to former committee members. They are not getting any help from MSBA and are doing the replacement all from insurance proceeds. I am concerned about the Pioneer school district budget as Warwick's minimum contribution calculated by the state has spiked. Then there are the step increases and wage increases on top of that. See attached correspondence I had with the superintendent. The Thursday morning coffee time and three buck lunch has not been well attended. We may try an alternate date. I hope Diana is willing to keep trying. It is not generating much revenue. The cons com is sponsoring a beaver talk on 3/26. I suggested a title of "Beaver for Dummies". They countered with "Beaver and the Law". See the calendar. Their title prevailed. I issued a press release to promote the 250th ball. A story ran in both the Recorder and Athol Daily News. Brenda Shaw contributed a wreath she made to commemorate the 250th. Claire Green contributed a bottle of Warwick, The First Lady, wine to present to our Town's eldest resident. Tom Wyatt is coordinating decorating the main hall for the ball with art mostly borrowed from the Free Public Library. Diana Tandy will be in charge of the kitchen for the event and Lisa Vanderstelt has agreed to bartend. The proceeds of the beer and wine bar will benefit the 250th celebration. Clauda Lewis, Zak Marti, Nicol Wander and others have volunteered to help. We have imprinted t shirts and mugs for sale. The Guild members are contributing food for the event. Senator Rosenberg is going to wait until OHD to make his presentation. Clauda created a Facebook page promoting the ball. I answered procurement by FRCOG for providing Internet to western mass town halls and other 123 fiber wired anchor institutions. We'd make $50 a connection based on the pricing I developed if any towns want to contract with us which they can do on a no bid basis. Reva presented on WiredWest at a recent STAM (small town administrators MA) quarterly meeting held in Orange that I attended. I just became STAM's list-serve administrator.