Coordinator report May 22, 2014 License Fees relates to a request by new town clerk and concerns dog licenses. I believe she is looking for approval for some grace period in implementation of dog license enforcement. Reorganization - currently Pat is clerk and Nick vice chair. In a conversation with Dawn she indicated a willingness to continue as chair if that is the will of the board. Future meeting time - During my entire tenure working here the board has met at 6 pm. That is almost seven years. Not everybody who served during this period was retired. Two members were not. The idea to change the meeting time to 7 pm has been proposed. Pioneer budget - Bernardston is the final town to meet. All the other three towns have approved the District requested budget however Northfield's approval is contingent upon a prop 2 1/2 over-ride. Pioneer Tech - at the most recent committee meeting attended by John B and me, we learned that the majority of the funds slated for Win8 computers were "budgetary". To the District this means they may not use the money this way. A good portion of the time was spent talking about Google tablets. The long term consultant was present. He told us using Microsoft XP was illegal. I disagreed. He modified that for handling sensitive information such as SS numbers this was so. Then allowed that was less than ten percent of machine use. Our ideas of linking the campuses with the fiber as a single network and using lower cost machines were deemed credible though nothing was agreed upon. A consultant is being retained to independently review the "plan", a plan which remains in my view skeletal. Pothole grant - these funds will be used for patching potholes, adding regrind to vulnerable unpaved roads and work on the Northfield Rd in particular. $34k is the budget which must be expended by August. We have a request from Verizon which means we need to set a date for Gale Rd pole hearing. In their petition they propose to place two poles to remove a tree guy and reposition an in line street pole in the vicinity of pole 36. AXIA the network operator of the MBI123 Fiber has accepted our order to complete the lateral to the Orange Rd cell tower. This is at a cost of about $5700 including electronics. We went with the same switch as provisions the town hall and a spare rather than a plus $5000 bill for the hardened version of the switch. The expense is within the enterprise fund budget and anticipated. This will make a big difference once in service to our many broadband customers who connect through the cell tower. I am working to understand our options with respect to the Soltas solar electric contract for town buildings. I have learned that net metering credits are different from solar renewable energy credits. Our contract specifies power purchase at 8 cents per kWh and the specie current is net metering credits. These are equal to 1000 kWh but would come to us in the form of money showing up on our bill. The value is based on the host's rate and I am still figuring out the full meaning, but find it helpful to relate to another electric project of our being the "host", in the Seaboard deal which is for municipal building power. The Soltas deal would be for net metering credits (money) bought by us at a discount. We thought we were getting the power applied to our electric bill separate from and without having to pay for transmission and distribution. We have been offered at this point a 25% discount by Soltas. Municipalities are limited to hosting 10MWh but our Soltas contract is not under the municipal set-aside. Roadside clean up involved besides bottles and cans, the pick up of eleven mattresses, ten TVs and 9 tires. I will be billing the illegal dumper for the disposal costs and have the police file the bill with the court if possible. I took no action on the fuel bids. One diesel bid and no fuel oil bids were received for Warwick. FRCOG bids are taking another try. Zoning enforcement - Our building inspector's order to cease with unpermitted dwelling units / Mobile Home Park is being appealed to the ZBA. BoH is working on properly permitting and inspecting the family campground including correct term of permit. At the most recent ZBA meeting the board voted to request the Selectboard appoint Jim Erviti as fifth member and second alternate to that body, filling the remaining vacancy. Based on the representations of KM / TGP at the recent local meeting and on assessors records with respect to Telephone Telegraph, Electric distribution and transmission property tax revenues I calculate that the pipeline project would generate about $90k annually to Warwick, if built. The estimate could be a bit high depending on the value and location of the two or three "pumping" stations. I have held off with FCRHA and the upcoming CDBG HR (housing rehab) grant and outreach until after ATM. That is now. I presume the board wants to move forward with an application for another round of housing rehab loans for townsfolk? FRCOG - is looking for support for its "Mass in motion grant" through their public health component. Ted Cady has drafted a joint letter to Secretary Sullivan opposing locating the pipeline on protected lands. He has also met with the Forestry Committee in furtherance of the Selectboard's request that the PB work on as of right solar zoning on a town owned parcel. Steve K will be in seeing acceptance of the performance contract model he is developing with District member towns.