Coordinator Report June 15, 2017 There have been no volunteers for Capital Planning nor for the Finance Committee. The latter met this week and will meet again soon to act on transfers and reserve fund requests. Snow and Ice loss is zeroed out. The following accounts are or will be underwater by year end. Temporary interest about $400 and Health Medicare (Contributory) Insurance is about $13,500 negative. We have $20,000 in reserve fund and an opinion letter that we can simply add the deficit to the tax rate which has the same effect as Reserve Fund transfer provided we again apply Free Cash to lower the levy. This is a good time to remind departments that they do not have to spend all of their budgets. We will not penalize them in the next budget cycle. We thank them for keeping spending down and adding to free cash. It is customary in the forest management business for the supervising forester to take their fee off the top of the stumpage payment from the logger to the landowner. It is not how we like to document our transactions so we paid the fee from the FY17 Forest Committee Revolving Account. It was only authorized in the amount of $2000. The board needs to vote to increase the RF by $100 from $2,000 to $2,100 according to the Town Accountant to cover the amount spent in excess. Nothing was decided at the last regular meeting regarding Highway Department cold in place contracting and the bid decision is due at end of this week. I directed Larry to provide information to FRCOG bids so we will be under contract, likely with a project that fits the Orange Rd from Whipple's to Orange Line. Tracy Rogers of Northfield Selectboard contacted us regarding Warwick joining the other Pioneer District Towns in applying for the Community Compact to the Commonwealth in support of the "Heart" committee. I would be for keeping our options open because I am pessimistic of Heart committee chances to achieve needed change. I'll invite Alan and Sue our representatives and we can hear from them. Chief Shoemaker, Warwick PD, will be in to report and make his case for a promotion from within to Sargent of one of his men who is functioning beyond that of a patrol officer. Town Secretary / Town Clerk will present the slate for annual Selectboard appointments, most of which are reappointments. Olivier Flagollet has added his name to those interested in being Clock Winder. I encouraged him to speak with Clyde, Jr. and John. I have scheduled a solar project site visit Wed 21 June at 11 am in West Brookfield of the project for which Warwick is net meter host and will receive about $35k in royalty income for the next 20 years. The owner and possibly the developer will be in attendance. I'll be applying for reimbursement of the first third of the MBI broadband construction grant, $150k next week having reached that level of expenditure. Little borrowing will therefore be required at year end