Coordinator Report March 12, 2015 It is once again time to nominate our inspector of animals to the state for appointment. Please nominate Rosa once again. We had an informative meeting about the proposed fiber to the home project last week. I think it reasonable to think our broadband enterprise fund can carry the town's cost for the first three years. Our accountant agrees that it is an allowable expense. I'll get an opinion from counsel. Our work on the maps and data reduced the number of connections from an estimated 437 to 336. This will reduce the build cost by about $120,000 and I would expect reduce our "grant" by some amount. $1.5M town share is my expectation. Broadband committee is meeting weekly. We are going to start assembling data on driveway length and probably GPS pole location to further the project. Tech school district town clerks have been asked to provide information regarding a needed ballot question. I hope we can respond by saying that we can go along with the date agreed upon by other towns. The district pays for the election. The cost to Warwick, if this passes, will be about $2,000 per year for twenty years - which is 2 1/2 cents per year on the tax rate. Chief Shoemaker will be in to report, answer questions that were raised at the previous meeting, and present his proposed FY16 budget. I can report that our vehicles are not used on out-of-town details. I request that the board set the dates to open and close the annual town meeting warrant. I propose that the warrant be opened as of March 16 and close on April 15. If our needs require it the board is entirely within its rights to extend the period or even do another open and closing on the same day. Our practice is that this only affects articles by petition. We were contacted by Bob Dean at FRCOG requesting a letter of support for grant funding being sought from HUD to assist communities who were damaged by Irene. I have drafted a letter for the chair's signature. The board has been invited to attend a meeting with the PVRS Budget Committee to discuss the town's sense of how much of an assessment increase we can support. I plan to go however as I am also a school committee member and some folks are tired of my routine, it would be good to have a board member attend. Report on snow and ice deficit is that it now stands at $69,205. I have identified about $7,000 of cost savings from the regular budget to offset this liability. These come from allocation of wage and expense items to the "pothole grant". I will look for more and am working on ways to allocate Chapter 90 funds to the summer construction season and more pothole filling work.