Coordinator Report July 31, 2013 I hired Reva to do additional work on the WBS database that I required and to assess security on town computers, specifically antivirus protection. At my request she has instituted cloud based automatic backup on town hall computers. I would like the board to vote her a Chapter 268 Section 20D exemption for this small contract valued at about $720. I'll be splitting the invoice between broadband and the computer line item. The Library Trustees have requested that we appoint Elaine Reardon to the board. By Monday meeting time they may have another appointment request to fill the resignation of Ann Miner as they have identified an interested individual. Building and energy committee has identified a new potential member. Also, after a number of years of service Julie Hubbard has resigned from being our representative of the Franklin Solid Waste Management District. I will see if a member of our transfer station commission is willing to accept the appointment and attend the District meetings. We have called this "recycling coordinator" but it is really our representative to the board of governance. As requested, a letter went out to neighbors in the Moores Pond area asking them not to feed the geese. It is attached. Signs are ordered and will be installed at the beach. Police chief Shoemaker will be in to make his regular report. In addition he and the ACO will report on our loose dog fee schedule and fines all of which we may desire to increase. Also it makes sense to implement some enforcement with respect to failure to license dogs. FRCOG is surveying local fire departments and districts. The filing deadline is August 14. I forwarded the email and attachments to Chief Gates and have not heard from him. We should participate and decide who is responding. Mr. Horn will be reporting on WFD operations at the August 18 meeting. The fence by the "hydrant" and its dog house were scraped and painted in preparation for OHD. We added more US flags and replaced those damaged. I will order about five more and we will have the parade route covered. I contacted neighboring Selectboards about participating in our parade. So far Winchester NH is the first to respond affirmatively and will be sending three members. I asked that each board reply to Colly Paul so there could be more. We got our TV whitespace Internet radio base station installed this week and are testing it. Also the FD, PD, town hall and library had the fiber termination completed and switch configured. I spoke with the contractor and the equipment required for the two towers is a couple of months out. The fiber isn't terminated in Springfield yet. There is a MBI community rep meeting next week and I will learn about the revised schedule. We have had a few homes sold lately whose owners weren't informed of WBS. I sent letters to brokers informing them of our service and the opportunity to prequalify a home site for service. I have been working with the building and energy committee to write the specifications for the highway equipment garage insulation project. I am recommending we handle this job as we did the town hall roof which was to be the general contractor, bid the labor as a separate item. In this case there may be a third component to be specified which is labor and material for the one wall we may want to do with spray foam. We got an assessment letter from Pioneer District which cut about $8k off our voted funding. I have some work to figure out how a 2.5% increase ends up being almost 3% for Warwick.