Coordinator Report - July 3, 2013 Regarding geese on Moores Pond, I contacted Matt to see how the clean-up was going and learned that his efforts are confined to the beach. I told him I thought he had made a wider offer and he felt that those folks wouldn't want him on their land. After contacting three neighbors I have determined that he is correct based on the resident's liability concerns. Karro sent the following link on the subject: canada-geese-conflict.html I have determined that the swan option isn't acceptable as the Trumpeter swan's range, while native to the U.S., never extended east of Indiana and several naturalists have contacted me to say their introduction would be very destructive of native species and that the required license to have and keep captive swans would be opposed. It takes a Federal and State license to interfere with Canada geese or to harbor non-native migratory birds. I also note that the offenders are Canada geese not Canadian geese. Especially at this time of year when they are molting it is very effective to cultivate a landscape with tall grasses at the water edge that could hide predators which keeps the geese away. As well, not feeding them assists in their control. Mr. Ballou of 707 Orange Rd has requested a nuisance dog hearing. I suggest we set the date and time at July 22 which is our next regular meeting. I successfully submitted, on behalf of the Town, an application for net metering for the Seaboard Solar projects. I'd like to provide the file a certificate of vote authorization so my signature is legit and have provided one in the meeting package. While Ray appreciates his raises, he wants to retire from so much broadband responsibility. I therefore posted and advertised the broadband installer position and seek approval of two new hires. Both have IT backgrounds. Craig has extensive radio frequency experience in the cell phone industry. John has construction experience. Both are working provisionally. I need the board's approval, pursuant to the personnel policy, to hire them as probationary installers. They will join Kevin and a less involved Ray in the field. I plan to have John work with the legacy Canopy 100 installations and us Craig on the new Wimax and soon to be deployed TV Whitespace radio layers. Chief Gates provided the Selectboard with copies of his officer and firefighter appointments. I wrote a letter to Assistant Supertendent Healy informing her of our decision not to fund replacement window shades as a capital expense. I have ordered some new flags to replace ones on utility poles that are worn. If there is no objection I'll add to their number before OHD. A fair amount of time was spent on year end bills, salaries, and wages including the Plumbing and Gas Inspector fees. I am going to ask the accountant to give each of these unique accounts so it won't be so much works sorting these out. We got the radio and pagers delivered and paid under this fiscal year MEMA EMPG grant. I met with the transfer station commissioners and will meet with the Finance Committee for reserve fund transfers next Tuesday.