Coordinator report November 8, 2012 Fire chief Gates will attend to update the board on plans and progress on the public safety building. I am meeting with the Tech School and a FD representative next week at the school to discuss what role students can play in advancing the project. Only repair of a starter solenoid remain to bring sprinkler at WCS to conclusion. A good thing as only about $100 remains. FD has yet to have a guided walk thru. Chief needs to schedule this. Recreation committee is gearing up for basketball. They have established a policy that all coaches must undergo a criminal records background check (CORI). They have been dealing with problems related to excessive competitiveness and bullying. As well they have been challenged by parents regarding the long standing policy that on any given day if you play or practice in a non-rec league you don't play or practice with Warwick Recreation sponsored activities that day. One parent has threatened to sue over the matter. That got them referred to me and discussions are ongoing. I have asked the committee to attend the Selectboard meeting to brief and discuss matters with the board. Please see my comments on this in the 10/25 coordinator report. Junk tires and electronic waste were shipped from Transfer station. "Dump" got its annual inspection and passed. Tech School students are siding and otherwise finishing the shack. Commission is looking for a lower cost alternative for phone service. They remind folks that even though we have the paper compactor, boxes need to be broken down to maximize our loads and lower costs. Workers compensation audit for FY12 was completed. We had to pay about $250 in additional premium and we budget $1000. One of our highway workers injured and out of work collecting comp. We submitted the executed DCR MOA with attachments this week. Cromack Industries of Greenfield undertook the required third order intermodulation study to see if our new WiMax gear will interfere with what is already installed, especially the 800 MHz state police spectrum. The study concluded that we will not affect any existing tenant. Other attachments included photos, wiring diagrams, floorplan in shelter, related contracts with our resellers. Once DCR Commissioner signs the MOA on behalf of the Commonwealth, we can seek the permit to install. The broadband system was down for a full day following the hurricane due to core Internet routing issues with the telco we purchase our system's Internet from. This was exacerbated by a decision by our provider of the radio link to Springfield MA to do some tweaking during the outage, creating more problems. By the next day things were righted. The board is aware by virtue of the joint public shade tree and scenic road hearing of confusion around cutting being done on behalf of the utility on Quarry and Richmond Rds. One outcome of the hearing was agreement that it was confusing to use the same orange color to denote both hazard trees and tress designated to be cut as part of highway maintenance. See the hearing minutes for the Full Monty on this matter. Next time we will denote with two colors and get the plan done and hearing held earlier in the fall. I completed the A2 Enterprise Fund forms online as part of the FY13 tax rate setting process. In addition, it is time for departments, committees, etc. to develop their annual reporst and to begin FY14 budget development.