Welcome to the official home page of the historic town of Warwick, Massachusetts! I hope this page will help visitors locate information about our town and its history and attractions, as well as serve our townspeople as a source of helpful information and an electronic Town Hall. And see our wonderful town Newsletter (April 2022 issue) - recent, older newsletters are here; or join the WarwickList, or the Warwick L-ternative Facebook page for even more information about our town.
Ed Lemon, Webmaster
The Famous Warwick Signpost
This webpage is being kept online for posterity, and because there is still some information that has not been moved over to the current website. Please note this is no longer maintained, and for the most up to date information you should visit warwickma.org.
We are forever grateful to Ed Lemon for maintaining this website for so long.
Library is now open, but if you are not vaccinated, please wear a mask. No Saturday hours until school reopens in the Fall.
Warwick has 622 registered voters, 42 of whom voted in the Annual Town Election. The results are:
Selectman - Alan Genovese
Assessor - Keith Ross
Board of Health - Nancy Lyman
Constable - Bruce Kilhart
Transfer Station Commissioner - Mike Mankowsky
Tree Warden - Sharon Matthews
Library Trustee - Andrea Woods
Library Trustee - Nadia Marti
Highway Commissioner - Vernon Bass
We failed to elect any candidate to both Moderator & Cemetery Commissioner.
A big thank you to Helen Whipple, Barbara Walker, and Cheri Robartes for checking people in!
FREE FOOD FRIDAYS 11 AM Thanks to Cliff Fournier, Zac Marti, Brian Snell and many others, we have free food to give to those in the surrounding community. Come to the shelter beside the Metcalf Chapel. We are getting more fresh vegetables in addition to the meats, breads and other food coming from Hannaford's.
A small group of Warwickians has formed the Warwick Community Mutual Aid Network, which is part of a larger group (WMA Community Mutual Aid, http://www.macma.com) now organizing across Western Massachusetts. The goal is to connect community members in need during the coronavirus pandemic with others able to assist them. For more info click here.
And here is a list of resources available to MA citizens, and specifically those in Franklin County: https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1XNuMu9S1q-ZXYJIfsg_eRubDZRQCIBf7swh5FI4sYio/edit
The Tax Collectors office will be closed to the public until further notice. Tax Payments, or Broadband Payments, can be made using the following options:
Click here for the new Code Red program.
Police logs are being posted again.
Click here for the document.
374 households and businesses in Warwick will receive a letter this week from "Warwick, c/o Dynegy, Dallas TX". That's the number of electricity accounts in Town that are still on National Grid's "Basic Service" - the supply part of the electric bill. The letter explains the program, which entails a 41month fixed-price contract, as well as how to opt-out...or opt-in if you want to upgrade to a more locally produced renewable energy supply. Please don't ignore this letter.
For more info, click here.
For the new Rate Increase go here.
Warwick Open Space & Recreation Plan 2020 maps are here.
Have you seen the Library Page lately? It's now curated by our excellent new librarian Ivan Ussach and has a wealth of information about books and libraries, plus contemporary topics like astronauts and astronomy!
MassDEP's Beyond the Bin Recycling Directory is here. Don't throw away things you don't think can be recycled!
If you missed the Special Town Meeting on June 17, here is the warrant.
If you missed the May 6 Annual Town Meeting, here are the Warrant, the Omnibus Budget, and the Minutes of the meeting.
Transfer Station Fees including Bulky Waste can be found here.
As a resident of Warwick you have access to at least six Household Hazardous Waste collection events each year
If you want to know what's going on in the town hall, read Town Coordinator David Young's biweekly reports!
Amy Donovan of the Franklin County Solid Waste Management office posts this helpful guide to the disposal of batteries.
MBI (Massachusetts Broadband Institute) has approved the Town of Warwick's application for $450,000 to complete the upgrade & expansion of our wireless internet system!
Ted Cady has posted the Planning Board's Report on Warwick's Population Trend and Impact.
Amanda Mankowsky has provided us with this link to the North Quabbin Area Calendar of Events.
Here is a link to North Quabbin Energy's Annual Local Food Guide.
Warwick has been designated a "Green Community". Here's a picture (Photo by Hal Gilium) of the check Warwick received today at the Statehouse. It's a biggie!
Warwick townsfolk can now get burning permits online at http://www.fcburnpermits.com/ townlist.php. Or you can call Shelburne Dispatch at 413-625-8200.
The Town of Warwick 2013 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is now available for public comment. Note: this is a large pdf file (4 MB).
Go here for an important notice from the Selectboard about loose dogs in Warwick.
The Board of Assessors has posted a new link to Property Record Cards on-line and lots of other information, as well as Tax Exemption and Abatement forms.
Not certain of what's recyclable and what's not? Unsure of what can or can't be re-used? Check out this handy site.
It is now possible to download Warwick building permit application forms, both for one- or two-family dwellings and commercial buildings.
Office | Personnel & Hours | Phone |
Accountant | Bay State Municipal Accounting | 978 544-3845 |
ACO Pager | Rosa Calcari, Animal Control Officer - Rosa's page | 978 217-2681 |
Board of Assessors | Beth Gilgun, Clerk; Office Hours Wed & Thu 9-4 | 978 544-8304 |
Board of Health | Nancy Lyman, Helen Whipple | 978 544-6315 |
Building Inspector | Phil Delorey, Building Inspector | 978-544-2236 |
--Gas Inspector | Casey Bashaw | 978 895-0214 |
--Plumbing Inspector | Casey Bashaw | 978 895-0214 |
--Wiring Inspector | Brian Peters | 978 544-7351 |
Cemetery Commission | Clyde Perkins, Jr, Chair and Burial Agent; Tracey Kirley, Brad Matthews | 978 544-3228 |
Conservation Commission | Gregory Brodski, Chair; Christine Duerring, Vice-Chair; usually meets 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 pm | 978-544-8717 |
Fire Station | Joe Larson, Chief - contact at firechief@town.warwick.ma.us | 978 613-9412 |
Highway Department | Larry Delaney, Superintendent; Weekly logs | 978 544-6349 |
Library | Ivan Ussach, Librarian; Library Hours | 978 544-7866 |
Planning Board | Ted Cady, Chair | 978 544-6410 |
Police Business Line | David Shoemaker | 978 544-2244 |
Selectboard | Todd Dexter; Brian Snell, Lawrence Pruyne, Chair; Office hrs by appt. | 978 544-6315 |
Tax Collector | Jessica Foote; Mondays 11 - 6; Thursdays 11 - 2 or by appointment | 978 544-3845 |
Town Clerk | John Paganetti; Office Hours Mondays 1 - 4 p.m. | 978 544-8304 |
Town Coordinator | David Young; Office Hours M-F 2 - 5 p.m. and by appointment | 978 544-6315 |
Town Hall Fax | 978 544-6499 | |
Transfer Station Office | George Roaf; Transfer Station open Saturdays from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Also during July and August open Wednesdays from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. | 978 544-1982 |
Treasurer | Beth Gilgun; Office Hours Wed & Thu 9-4 | 978 544-3845 |
Veteran's Services | Brian Brooks, Veterans' Services Officer | 413 772-1571 |
Warwick Broadband | Status of Network, Orders, Repairs | 413 676-9544 |