Satellite Dish Toss Old Home Days, August 30, 2009
The brave, the proud, the Warwick Broadband Committee
Competition Judges Pat Lemon, Senator Brewer, Miryam Williamson
Selectman Rick Abbott begins the competition in fine form (and costume)
Committeewoman Reva Reck is poetry in motion. Sort of.
Martha Kitchen gets ready to toss her dish
Chris Ryan in a Nureyev-like stance
Tax Collector Terry Kemerer shows his stylish form
Dave Koester gets a grip on Hughesnet’s finest
The Younger Set shows how it’s done
Janice Kurkowski goes for the long toss
Reva applies a bit of body English
Terry changes into protective clothing and tosses a winner!
Steve Kurkowski bowls a strike! No, wait...
Matt Hickler tosses a winner first try!
The competition attracts a large crowd
Winners Tom Wyatt, Terry Kemerer and Steve Kurkowski
Town Coordinator David Young presents Matt Hickler with his prize
Senator Brewer congratulates winner Matt Hickler
Some of Warwick’s younger competitors also won shirts!
The Annual Warwick Satellite Dish Toss
The Satellite Dish Toss, invented and organized by Town Coordinator David Young to celebrate the successful establishment of the Warwick Broadband Service, promises to become an annual event. Well, maybe.