Warwick Arts Council Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, September 15. 2011 Time: 5ish Location: Library Members Present: Tom Wyatt, Mari Rovang, Nicol Wander, Sandy Renna, Claudia Lewis Meeting Minutes by: Nicol Wander, Claudia Lewis Next Meeting Date, Time & Location: Thursday, October 20th at 5 p.m., Library Agenda Items: 1. September movie - set-up: Sandy, Tom; popcorn: Suzanne, Mari: breakdown: Sandy, Suzanne, Tom, Claudia What movie to play 1st? Captain Kidd 2nd future movies: Mari suggested "What the Bleep Do You Know?": discussed playing an occasional classic film 2. art show movie: discussed TV set-up to play one of David Conover's sunrise films Mari will talk to Howard bringing their Blu-Ray player Suzanne and Tom will find out which sunrise movie to run - perhaps Sunrise Earth (2006) 3. art show set-up: Tom took notes on set-up/breakdown and sitting schedule, as well as a list of phone calls for members to make to artists 4. October movie: shorts to be determined - renewable energy theme discussed ways to invite more folks, including contacting North Quabbin Energy group and Transition Northfield 5. tent rental: Michael Humphries is ready to pass on the tasks related to tent rental discussed partnering with the fire department for tent rental income; will present it to the department when we have all the details re: set-up, scheduling, and storage 5. Nicol submitted invoice for her Old Home Days puppet show. 6. theater performances: discussed possibilities for future shows Mari & Claudia to contact performers Cultural Council grant proposals due October 15th