Warwick Arts Council Meeting March 9, 2010 at Pat Lemon's House Minutes Present at the meeting: Pat Lemon, Nicol Wander, Miryam Williamson, Mari Rovang and Tom Wyatt 1. We reviewed the Financial Reports, prepared by Al Morgan. 2. Discussion of Movie project that Pat, Deb and Erika have been working on. The idea would be to have classic and favorites Movies once a month in the Town Hall, on Friday evenings. They are open to Movie suggestions. 3. Tent Rental season is upon us, Michael is suggesting an Ad in the Warwick and Northfield town newsletters. This has been a major source of our funding, we will speak with Michael to followup. Miryam offered to write a newsletter notice. 4. Mari said she knows someone, Mark Graves who does a one-person Mark Twain theater performance. He might be willing to come to Warwick. She will research this more. The suggestion was made to do it on Old Home Days, instead of a concert. 5. The Council members discussed their individual roles and ability to work on projects. 6. Warwick website. Ed would like to post our minutes as well as upcoming events. Tom will prepare for this meeting. 7. Warwick Community School funding requests. We decided to approve both requests ($800 for "The Choreography of Tessellations" and $360 for Weaving Program). Tom will let Ellen Edson know. Note: we received another request just after the meeting, for $480 for an art project with fabric and clay by Kerry Stone. Members were polled by email/phone and we decided to go ahead with this as well.