Warwick Transition Town initiating group mtg. notes for April 12, 2010 Location: Steve & Janice Kurkoski's Attending: Rick Abbott, Claudia Lewis, Steve & Janice Kurkoski Not present: Dan Dibble, Pam Kimball Smith, Clare Green, Keith Ross 7:30 - 9:30 Updates: Mark Fellows, Miryam Williamson and Ed Hawes will no longer be a part of the 'initiating group' due to time restrictions. Clare Green and Keith Ross still want to be included in the meeting announcements. Others in town want to hear what we are up to so we decided to ask Ed Lemon to make a place on the Warwick web page for these notes and other links. Mtg format: "open space" - folks get heard, someone takes simple notes, leave with clear action items and rough ideas for next mtg date. No official 'leaders'. We like meeting in peoples homes when possible. Discussion: "What exactly do we want to accomplish using this Transition Town process?" ...official 'membership' in the larger movement?...not necessarily ...awareness of the problems associated with oil demand outpacing supply ...economic stability ...resilience Here is the talking point list (in rough order) from the transition workshop that Judy Phillips & Tina Clarke did this weekend: Resilience Community Local Food Health & Environmental Quality: Air, Water, Land, Nature, Wildlife Stability in Uncertain Times Security - Knowing our neighbors, reducing dependence on oil & commodities that are becoming more scarce and are outside this region Quality of Life Mutual Support History & Character of this Place Global Warming/Climate Crisis Reduced Dependence on Large Corporations Reduced Dependence on Government Funding Action /Awareness Raising: Emphasize our dependence on petroleum products. Rick presented a sample poster of a wide assortment of things made from petroleum; made plans to construct a "petroleum totem" for the town clean-up day (4/24). Rick will supply some materials & signage to get it started. We will plan for a presence at the Plant swap, Memorial Weekend, Old Home Days, etc. at the next meeting. We think that Dan still plans to get the reading group going. Next meeting: week of May 9 - 15