Transition Warwick: Initiating Group Meeting Notes, March 30, 2010 We start at about 7 p.m. Present are Rick, Dan, Steve, Janice K., Pam, Claudia, Miryam. Pam Kimball facilitates. We go around the table saying what we hope to get done at this meeting. Miryam: Consider the 12 steps, decide what we do next, and agree that we will meet again. Dan: Discuss and plan for the book discussion group. Steve: Start to come up with a master plan for how this group will facilitate the larger group. How much of the 12 steps apply to us? Rick: Looking forward to moving things along. Janice: Wants to hear the 12 steps and whether certain steps don't apply to us. Wants to read the "7 Buts" We each read one of the "Buts" aloud. We discuss the 12 steps, and agree that the initiating groups demise will be triggered by the establishment of the first four working groups (after the Great Unleashing), with one member from each of the four groups to form a steering committee. We think we can combine steps 2 and 3 (raising awareness and laying the foundation) by arranging events at the same time we're reaching out to local groups. We discuss possible events and printed materials for raising awareness Movies Workshops - how we lived conservatively (in the sense of conserving resources) in earlier times (e.g. during World War II) Steve mentions barn raisings and work parties animal husbandry pruning lasagna gardening Flyers to hand out - May plant sale (probably too soon) June town tag sale August Old Home Days Flyers can be posted at the library, articles can be placed in the town newsletter, news releases can be sent to the Athol and Greenfield papers Miryam would like to pass on her skills at writing news releases and getting them into the papers unchanged, if someone is interested in doing that. We brainstorm a list of groups in town we would like to inform about the initiative. We understand that some groups on our list don't actually meet, so we need to figure out how to reach their members, or assume they'll be reached by belonging to some other group that we can ask to speak to. Miryam will send this list (as part of these minutes) to the initiating group. They will feed back thoughts vie email on how to reach them, what to say, etc. Broadband Committee Conservation Commission Copper Angel Council of Aging Farmers Market Finance Committee Fire Department Flour Hill Coop Garden Club Historical Society Junior Firefighters Library Trustees Metcalf Chapel Open Space Committee Planning Board Police Department PTO Recreation Committee Selectboard Senior Meal Site Snow Streakers The L Town Meeting Unitarian Church Warwick Arts Council / Wooden Fender Warwick Community School Women's Guild Youth Group We need to develop an information sheet to hand out in public places and leave at meetings we visit. We don't decide who will do this. Claudia will look for appropriate videos on YouTube. Miryam suggests trying to get some PVRHS students to document the Great Unleashing on video. We discuss the possibility of taking trash bags filled at the April 24 cleanup day and building a mountain of them on the town lawn (common). Miryam will send out a request to schedule the next meeting for Apri 12 or later in the month. About the book discussion group, which Dan will convene and facilitate: Notice should be posted at the library, on the L, and on Ed lemon's web site. Miryam will send the notice Dan writes to the Recorder and the Athol Daily News. The discussion group will meet six times, at intervals yet to be determined. We adjourn at about 9 p.m. Miryam transcribed these notes and hopes to be informed of corrections and additions.