Town of Warwick Selectboard September 8, 2014 Minutes Members present: Nick Arguimbau, Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon (via Remote Participation, joined meeting at 5:08 p.m.) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Bill Lyman, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm in Town Hall. Bill Lyman recorded the meeting. III. Presentations and Discussions 1. Close Special Town Meeting Warrant-- Bill Lyman had started a petition to allow time to say the Pledge of Allegiance before every Town meeting. Young said that for a Special Town Meeting, 10% of registered voters must sign a petition to have it placed on the warrant. At present, Lyman had 21 signatures certified by the Town Clerk, which was not a sufficient number to qualify as a petition article. Lyman explained that there was an oversight at the last Annual Town Meeting, and even before that, which resulted in the Pledge of Allegiance not being recited. He noted that his petition asked that time be allowed for those who want to say it, and was not a mandate that all must recite it. Lyman also pointed out that it was within the Board's purview to place an article on the STM warrant. Young said that it was time to close the STM warrant to petition articles, as there were no valid petitions at this time. Magi MOVED to close the warrant for the September 22, 2014 Special Town Meeting. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 2. Review and Sign September 22 STM Warrant-- Young said that he had prepared three versions of the warrant for the Board to consider. One version had only two articles, which were those addressing the issues for Green Communities: the as-of-right solar zoning by-law and the adoption of the Stretch Code. Young said that both the Pledge of Allegiance and Fire Department articles could wait until the next Annual Town Meeting. He said that the latter two articles were not, in his opinion, a good use of STM, and that a focused STM yielded better attendance and results. Lemon MOVED to sign and have posted the version of the STM warrant that contains the two articles. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Magi and Arguimbau each signed six copies of the STM warrant, which must be posted by a Constable by 7 p.m. tonight. Young said that he had placed a copy of the proposed zoning by-law and also a copy of the Stretch Code in the Town Clerk's mailbox so that these documents would be available in the Town Clerk's office for anyone who wished to review them prior to the STM. Arguimbau asked if the Pledge of Allegiance could be allowed anyway. Magi, Lemon and Young said that they thought that it had been forgotten at the Annual Town Meeting; Lyman said that he had been told otherwise. Lyman also said that he didn't want the pledge to be bypassed and wanted the option to recite it. There was a consensus of the Board that the Pledge of Allegiance will be said. Young pointed out that the Selectboard Chair can call for it. Young said that he had inquired about IP phones to our broadband providers, and had found conferencing phones for about $400.00. He said that adding a line would cost about $12.00 a month with 3 cents per minute for long distance, or unlimited usage including long distance for $24.00 a month. Lemon said that she thought it was worth looking into. Young said that this could potentially result in a savings to the Town, as the current phone bill runs $160.00 - $170.00 per month for 7 telephones. Lemon wanted to wait until the next meeting to discuss her letter to Governor Patrick. Arguimbau said that he thought that letters to public officials should be approved in principle at one meeting and the final letter should be approved at the next meeting. Lemon said that Magi's editorial comments on her letter were excellent and thanked her for them. Arguimbau said that he wanted to make it a policy that for all letters to public officials the Board approve in principle at one meeting and approve the final letter at the next meeting. There was a consensus of the Board to adopt this policy. V. Adjournment At 5:23 p.m., Magi MOVED to adjourn. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo